What plant does Marijuana come from?
Cannabis Sativa
One average how much does a pack of cigarettes cost?
anywhere from $5.72 to $13.75 (it changes from state to state)
True or False: E- Cigs are risk-free.
How long does it take alcohol to enter the blood stream?
5-10 minutes
What is cocaine?
a drug made from the leaves of coca plants.
cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, lung diseases, emphysema, bronchitis and chronic airway obstruction
Name 2 other common names for E - Cigs.
e-pens, e-pipes, vapes, e-hookah, and e-cigars
What does 100 proof mean?
50% alcohol
Name 3 side effects of cocaine use
Increased heart rate and blood pressure, Elevated body temperature, Heart palpitations, Erratic or violent behavior, Anxiety, Paranoia, Seizures, Heart attacks, and Strokes.
Name 3 ways Marijuana used.
Smoked, eaten, drank, pill, or vaped.
What is an E - Cig?
E-cigarettes are electronic devices that heat a liquid and produce an aerosol, or mix of small particles in the air
When you reach a concentration of .40%-.50% what can happen?
Death or brain damage can occur.
Name 3 common street names for cocaine
Coke, Dust, Toot, Line, Nose Candy, and Snow
Blunt, Joint, dope, bud, pot, or weed
How many Americans die each year from smoking?
Around 480,000 Americans
What is the main reason E- Cigs are not safe?
The nicotine is addictive and can harm brain development
True or False :
Around the world, minimum legal drinking ages range from 10 to 21 years.
How many people use cocaine?
about 21 million people use cocaine
How many chemicals does marijuana have?
About 400
How many smoker are in the world today?
About 1.1 billion smokers
How many high school students use E - Cigs?
almost 1 in 4 high school students reported using e - cigs.
How much does a first time DUI/DWI cost in fines?
about $10,000
How much is cocaine in the USA?
about $150 per pure gram