Drugs and the body
Substance Use Disorders (SUD)

What are at least 3 short-term effects of alcohol? 

Slurred speech, drowsiness, vomiting, headaches, distorted vision or hearing, impaired judgement, decreased perception and coordination, unconsciousness and blackouts. 

Alcohol makes you feel drink because alcohol depresses your central nervous system and interferes with your brain's communication pathways, affecting how your brain processes information 


What is the addictive drug in tobacco products?


  • A CDC study found that 99% of the e-cigarettes sold in assessed venues in the United States contained nicotine.1
  • Some vape product labels do not disclose that they contain nicotine, and some vape liquids marketed as containing 0% nicotine have been found to contain nicotine.

Is marijuana addictive?


1 in 6 individuals who start using marijuana in adolescents will become addicted. 

At what age is your brain fully developed?

between 25-26


What is the term for a need to increase amounts of a substance to achieve intoxication or desired effect? Or a diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of the substance? 



What can you do to sober up?


The only thing that works to sober a person up is time. BAC drops at a rate of .015 every hour, regardless of height, weight or gender. 


What is the most commonly used form of nicotine in teens? 

Vaping devices 


What is the component in marijuana that gets you "high"?


This has tripled in the last few decades. 


Can marijuana impact your IQ?

YES. Marijuana use that starts in adolescence can lower your IQ score and permanently erase up to eight IQ points-even if you stop using. 


What are 5 sober activities to use in place of substances?

exercising, reading, spending time with sober supports, playing a sport, joining a club, watching tv, baking/cooking, knitting, music etc.


What are at least 3 long term health risks of drinking? 

high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, liver disease, digestive problems. 

Cancer of the breast, mouth, throat, esophagus, voicebox, liver and colon. 

Weakening of the immune system. 

Learning and memory problems. 

Mental health problems

social problems, including family, job-related, school and unemployment. 

Alcohol use disorders


What is the difference between tobacco and nicotine? 

  • Tobacco is a plant grown for its leaves, which are smoked, chewed, or sniffed.

    Tobacco contains a chemical called nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive substance.


What are at least 3 side effects of marijuana? 

increase anxiety/depression, psychosis, problems with learning/memory, altered sensory perception, trouble with coordination, increased appetite, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, addiction and many more. 


What is the pleasure chemical in our brain that plays a major role in substance use.



What are 3 risk factors that increase the likelihood of a substance use disorder? 

mental health history, environmental factors, social factors, genetic predisposition, history of abuse, history of trauma 


What amount is considered "binge drinking"?

For women: 4 or more drinks during a single occasion.

For men: 5 or more drinks during a single occasion. 

In the United States, a standard drink is defined as any beverage containing 0.6 fluid ounces or 14 grams of pure alcohol (also known as an alcoholic drink equivalent), which is found in:

  • 12 ounces of beer with about 5% alcohol content
  • 5 ounces of wine with about 12% alcohol content
  • 1.5 ounces of distilled spirits with about 40% alcohol content


What are 3 symptoms of withdrawal from nicotine? 

headaches, restlessness, coughing, decreased heart rate, cravings, difficulty concentrating, increased appetite or weight gain, influenza-like symptoms, mood changes (sadness, irritability, anger) and insomnia 


Is it safe to drive while under the influence of marijuana? Why or why not? 


Marijuana impairs your reaction time, depth perception and coordination. 


What is the over-the-counter medicine used for the treatment of a known or suspected opioid overdose emergency? 

Narcan nasal spray (naloxone)


What can you do if you or a loved one is struggling with substances? (provide 3 examples)

Seek treatment; 

medication, behavioral therapy, group therapy, rehab/residential, inpatient/outpatient therapy, support groups 


What does BAC stand for? What is the legal limit BAC for a DUI in the state of Ohio? 

Blood Alcohol Content/Concentration. 

The legal limit BAC for adults is .08. The legal limit for anyone under the age of 21 is .02. 

If you test over 0.17, you are subject to additional mandatory DUI penalties.,to%20additional%20mandatory%20DUI%20penalties.


On average, how many cigarettes would be in a 2500 puff vape? 

Around 166 cigarettes. 

estimated 10-15 puffs per cigarette. 20 cigarettes in a pack. about 8 packs 


How many chemicals are in the cannabis plant? 

over 400 chemicals, 60 that will impact the body's nervous system. 


What is one area of the brain that is affected by drugs or alcohol?

The basal ganglia (motivates us to do healthy activities) 

The extended amygdala (what makes you feel stressed or cranky. When people use drugs, this part of the brain gets very sensitive).

The prefrontal cortex (helps you think, make decisions and control your actions).  


What does it mean to have a substance use disorder? 

meet a minimum of 2 of the following: 

taking substance in larger amounts or longer than you meant to; wanting to cut down or stop but not; spending a lot of time getting, using or recovering from substances; cravings and urges; not managing work, home or school; using substances when it puts you in danger; giving up activities because of it; using even when it causes problems in relationships; continued use even when you have a physical or psychological problems; tolerance; withdrawal