What are these symptoms of? 1. Uncontrollable craving for the drug 2. Loss of control 3. Use despite negative consequences 4. Chronic, biological brain disease 5. Psychological dependence 6. Physical dependence
What is addiction?
A group for men and women who have a desire to stop using drugs or alcohol. Ex. NA, AA, CA….etc
What are 12 Step Fellowships?
Who are these people? 1. The person abusing substances 2. Family 3. Children 4. Co-workers 5. Parents 6. Siblings 7. Friends 8. Community
Who are those affected by substance abuse?
Sports, drama, & music are examples of these which help to keep you busy and prevent abuse.
What are hobbies/positive leisure activities?
1. People 2. Places 3. Things
What are triggers?
DAILY DOUBLE: Name two chemicals found in cigarettes.
What is battery acid, lighter fluid, sewer gas, poison, carbon monoxide, rocket fuel, toilet cleaner, insecticide, candle wax, vinegar?
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
What is the Serenity Prayer?
When someone who is addicted to drugs stops taking that drug, they go through this, which involves pain, shakes, vomiting, and severe headaches.
What is withdrawal?
Who are these people? 1.Medical doctors 2.Nurses 3.Psychologists 4.Educators 5.Social Workers 6.Occupational Therapists 7.Recreational Therapists 8.Music Therapist 9.Clergy 10. YOU 11. Counselors
What is a treatment team?
A desire or dream you try to achieve in a certain amount of time, no matter the costs.
What are goals?
A pattern of drinking that typically happens when men consume 5 or more drinks or women consume 4 or more drinks in about 2 hours.
What is Binge Drinking?
This is a group in which a member is comfortable with and where he/she does official group business
What is a "home group"?
What is the leading cause of injury-related death in the United States?
What are drug overdoses?
What is the first stage of treatment?
What is detox?
Information or an emergency kit to help an individual from using again. This kit could include 12 step information, important phone numbers, healthy recreational activities to participate in.
What is a relapse prevention plan/resources for those in recovery?
________________ is the pleasure chemical in our brains that plays a major role in substance abuse and addiction
What is Dopamine?
An experienced member who guides newcomers through recovery.
What is a Sponsor?
What type of substance causes the following? 1. Increase in violence and aggression 2. Addiction -Drug-induced psychosis 3. Increase in Respiratory problems 4. Increase in cardiovascular problems 5. Risk for HIV, HEP C and TB 6. Damage to physical appearance
What are Methamphetamine and Cocaine?
For the best chance of staying sober, what is the MINIMUM length of time a person should stay in treatment?
What is 90 days?
Our brain learns by ________ and _________.
What is repetition and reward?
___________ is the fastest addicting drug
What is Nicotine?
Which step asks you to make a searching and fearless moral inventory of your past?
What is Step Four?
Name 3 consequences of addiction
(There are multiple correct answers.) What is (are) disappointing family, loss of freedom, health issues, death, legal concerns, loss of job, loss of housing, etc.
What are these? 1. Medication 2. Behavioral therapy 3. Groups 4. Rehab 5. Inpatient/outpatient 6. Occupational 7. Medical 8. Music
What are treatment options?
3 skills you have learned in treatment to overcome cravings and triggers.
(There are multiple correct answers) What is (are) a sponsor, deep breathing, finding support, a relapse prevention plan, laughter, service, work, hobbies etc.