Uncontrollable craving for the drug. Loss of control and attempts to control. Use despite negative consequences. Withdrawal. Increased tolerance.
What are symptoms of addiction
Poor opinion of themselves; feelings of inadequacy
What is low self-esteem?
Information or an emergency kit to help an individual from using again. This kit could include 12 step information, important phone numbers, healthy recreational activities to participate in.
What is a relapse prevention plan
Activities of childhood no longer interest them; weary; restless:
What is boredom?
Desire to experience the unknown
What is curiosity?
Motivated by a strong need to belong
What is peer pressure?
Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tired.
What is HALT
Three indispensable spiritual principles in the 12 step fellowship are? (hint, think of H.O.W.)
What are honesty, open-mindedness, and willingness.
The state of being an outsider or the feeling of being isolated, as from society
What is alienation.