12 Step
-Uncontrollable craving for the drug -Loss of control -Use despite negative consequences - chronic, biological brain disease -Psychological dependence -Physical dependence
What is addiction
What is the only requirement to attend Alcoholics/Narcotics Anonymous?
The desire to make a change.
What is the difference between "addiction" and "physical dependence"?
Addiction comes with negative consequences.
Which of the following is the best program of treatment for someone addicted to opiates? a) Inpatient care at a treatment center for drug abuse b) Treatment that is customized for the individual c) Behavioral therapy including counseling d) Prescribed medications for withdrawal and mood swings
b) Treatment that is customized for the individual Treatment should always be on an individual basis as every person has unique problems and needs.
Which of these is considered the strongest or most potent of the following opiates? a) Paregoric b) Vicodin (hydrocodone) c) Codeine d) Morphine
d) Morphine Morphine is one of the very strongest opiates, and requires a more controlled form of prescription(known as a triplicate prescription form in some states) by doctors. The others may be dispensed with a regular prescription. The more potent the opiate the more easily it can lead to addiction.
Information or an emergency kit to help an individual from using again. This kit could include 12 step information, important phone numbers, healthy recreational activities to participate in.
What is a relapse prevention plan
What is this called? "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
What is the Serenity Prayer
What two drugs can the withdrawals lead to death?
Benzodiazepines and alcohol.
1. Medical doctors 2. Nurses 3. Psychologists 4. Educators 5. Social Workers 6. Occupational Therapists 7. Recreational Therapists 8. Music Therapist 9. Clergy 10. YOU 11. Counselors
What is a treatment team
Many opiate drugs are derived from which of the following? a) Benzene b) Willow bark c) Amino acids d) Poppies
d) Poppies Opium and many opiate drugs were originally derived from poppies(specifically their seeds). Such drugs include morphine,codeine,noscapine, and thebaine. Although it doesn't relieve pain, thebaine is used in the production of semi-synthetic opiates such as Vicodin(hydrocodone). Some opiates such as Demerol(meperidine)are completely synthetic and do not start out with poppy seed extract. People who have eaten poppy seeds have been known to fail drug tests. Aspirin is derived from willow bark. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, and benzene is a carcinogenic chemical.
___________ is the fastest addicting drug. a)opiates b)nicotine c)marijuana d)cocaine
What is nicotine
Which step asks you to make a searching and fearless moral inventory of your past?
Step 4
According to the DSM-V, what characteristics must be present to diagnose "substance dependence"?
Tolerance, withdrawals
What is the single most important factor in determining a person in treatment's possible outcome? a) Will-power b) Therapuetic relationship with counselor/therapist c) Family support d) Having enough money to go to better treatment centers.
b) Therapuetic relationship with counselor/therapist
Which of these is NOT a common symptom of withdrawal following opiate addiction? a) sweating b) hair loss c) vomiting d) diarrhea
b) hair loss Opiates slow down smooth muscle (intestine and stomach) activity. When one stops taking them, the smooth muscle begins to "come back to life" and this causes intense diarrhea and vomiting. Many nervous system responses, including sweating, occur during withdrawal
________________ is the pleasure chemical in our brains that plays a major role in substance abuse and addiction
What is Dopamine
What is step 1?
Admit that you are POWERLESS over your addiciton and your life has become UNMANAGEABLE.
Many commonly prescribed pain pills are actually a combination of an opiate and Tylenol(acetaminophen). Abusing any medication containing acetaminophen can be particularly damaging to which part of the body? a) The lungs b) The liver c) The pancreas d) The kidneys
b) The liver Exceeding the recommended dose of acetaminophen can cause serious liver damage. Some addicts also abuse alcohol and this can increase the likelihood of damage to the liver. One can avoid such pitfalls by simply staying within the dosage guidelines on the prescription bottle.
What are external triggers? What are internal triggers?
External - people, places, things Internal - Feelings and emotions
Which of these powerful opiates was commonly available without a prescription in the 19th century, leading to many "housewife addicts?" a) Absinthe b) Laudanum c) Hydrocodone d) Dr. Buckley's Poppyseed Elixir
b) Laudanum Laudanum was incredibly popular during the Victorian era. It was cheaper than most liquor and was used for everything from pain to cardiac problems. Absinthe is an anise (liquorice) flavored alcoholic spirit, also popular during Victorian times. Hydrocodone is the active ingredient in Vicodin and I made up Dr. Buckley's.
Opiate analgesics (pain-relievers) are some of the most commonly prescribed medications. Which of these is NOT an appropriate reason for taking opiates? a) Pain from a broken bone b) Pain from an abscessed tooth c) Abdominal pain with a high fever d) Post-op pain occurring after knee surgery
Abdominal pain with a high fever Unspecified abdominal pain with a high fever could indicate a disease process or an infection such as a ruptured appendix. Pain is usually the body's way of telling us something is wrong. Masking the pain with drugs before a proper diagnosis is made can be very dangerous.
Who started AA? Who started Al-Anon?
Bill W. (Wilson) Lois Wilson
Signs of opiate abuse include all but which of the following? a) Deterioration of family relationships b) All these are common signs of abuse c) Involvement on the wrong side of the law d) Isolation from others e) reduced inhibitians
b) All these are common signs of abuse Not wanting others to notice their addictive behavior leads to isolation and poor family relationships for the addict. Driving while impaired and questionable methods for obtaining drugs often lead to run-ins with the law.
What are the stages of change?
Precontemplation Contemplation Preparation Action Maintenance (Relapse Optional)
Which of the following was created to fight morphine addiction? a) heroin b) antabuse c) tylenol d) Paregoric
a) heroin It was rapidly discovered that heroin created addiction problems even worse than morphine. Paregoric is camphorated opium tincture and is most commonly used for diarrhea. Antabuse(disulfiram) is a drug given to help alcoholics beat their addiction.