A place for a group for men and women who have a desire to stop using drugs or alcohol. Ex. NA, AA, CA….etc
What are 12 Step Meetings?
An example of those affected by substance abuse. (hint: can be multiple answers)
Who are 1)The user 2)Family 3)Children 4)Co-workers 5)Parents 6)Siblings 7)Friends 8)Community
The daily responsibilities in the home.
What are daily meditation, recovery work, chores, maid service, exercise, etc
Being able to identify these may help to reduce relapse.
What are triggers
A plan or an emergency kit to help an individual from using again. This kit could include 12 step information, important phone numbers, healthy recreational activities to participate in.
What is a relapse prevention plan
The person that leads the meeting
Who is the speaker
____________ are consequences of alcoholism. (hint: can be multiple answers)
What are 1)Lowered inhibitions 2)Decreased control over motor skills 3)Inability to concentrate and focus 4)Addiction 5)Heart attack; stroke 6)Liver failure; cirrhosis 7)Kidney disease 8)Blackouts
The facility manager in the home.
Who is Priscilla
A desire or dream you try to achieve in a certain amount of time, no matter the costs.
What are goals
___________ is the fastest addicting drug
What is nicotine
Which step asks you to admit we are powerless over our addiction?
What is step one
1.Addiction 2.Respiratory failure 3.Vomiting 4.Death 5.Drowsiness 6.Reduction of pain 7.Diarrhea 8.Very uncomfortable withdrawal are consequences of what type of drug
What are effects of pain killers/opiates
This health professional helps provide support towards your addiction goals
What are addiction counselor
These are skills that can be learned or previously done to help reduce triggers/, cravings, and urges once performed. (hint: exercise, reading, taking space)
What are coping skills
________________ is a person's diminished response to a drug, which occurs when the drug is used repeatedly and the body adapts to the continued presence if the drug.
What is Tolerance
Live and let live, Keep it simple, One day at a time, Let go and let God are examples of what?
What are 12 step slogans
The following problems occur because of what? -Increase in violence and aggression -Addiction -Drug-induced psychosis -Increase in Respiratory problems -Increase in cardiovascular problems -Risk for HIV, HEP C and TB -Damage to physical appearance
What is Methamphetamine/cocaine addiction
This staff is assigned to one client to provide individual support weekly on progress with treatment goals
What is a personal staff/counselor
A form of communication towards others in order to not engage in substance use when being asked to.
What is refusal skills or assertive communication (saying "no")
The most commonly abused drug across the nation
What is Marijuana
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
What is the Serenity prayer
Bone marrow damage, liver and kidney damage, blackouts, limb spasms,hearing loss and the loss of brain cells are consequences from abusing what type of drugs?
What are inhalants?
5 expectations of the house
What are 1. Be honest 2. Be safe 3. Be respectful 4. be helpful 5. own your behavior
5 skills you have learned in treatment to overcome cravings and triggers
(this is a question with many answers. Must answer in form of question still). What is (are) a sponsor, a relapse prevention plan, laughter, service, work, being with family, hobbies etc.