Support System
Relapse prevention
Recovery Skills

This is something that can come and go. Sometimes they might be weak, and other times it may be a very intense urge. Managing this is very important in the long term because you might still feel them occasionally many years after you have stopped using. 

What is a craving?

Name three characteristics that describe a good support system. 

What is...?


the fact or condition of being dependent on a particular substance, thing, or activity.

What is addiction?


A slip from recovery where the patient returns back to their old habit/ addictive behavior

What is relapse


This is something you do to help with challenge situations: so it can be riding a bike, talking to someone you trust, listening to music, etc. 

What is a coping skill?


A common reaction of people with substance use disorders who, when confronted with the existence of those disorders, deny that they have a substance abuse problem and/or have lost control of it.

What is denial?


A gathering of people in that meet frequently in a therapeutic session that share similar issues that help each other through the recovery process. This has been scientifically proven to be an effective tool when dealing with addiction. Ex. NA, AA, CA….etc

What are a group?


A person, place, thing or event that can result in psychological and then physical relapse.

What is a trigger


People. Places. and Things.

What is a trigger?

A desire or dream you try to achieve in a certain amount of time, no matter the costs.
What are goals
___________ is the fastest addicting drug
What is nicotine
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
What is the Serenity Prayer

The metabolic process by which the toxic qualities of a poison or toxin are reduced by the body. Pertaining to addiction it is generally a medically supervised treatment for alcohol or drug addiction designed to purge the body of intoxicating or addictive substances

What is Detox


what is a coping skill?

What is something that helps you calm down?


Some high-risk situations to avoid are to not let yourself get too angry, lonely, hungry, or tired. What acronym can help you remember these circumstances?

What is H.A.L.T.


This is a federal law that required the creation of national standards to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient's consent or knowledge 

What is HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act )


Name three things you will have to change in order to be successful in recovery?

What is ....?


Normal neurobiological event characterized by the need to increase the dose over time to obtain the original effect. A state in which a drug produces a diminishing biological or behavioral response; in other words, higher doses are needed to produce the same effect experienced initially.

What is Tolerance


Plan put in place to help an individual from using again. This plan could include 12 step information, important phone numbers, healthy recreational activities to participate in, support systems, and has tp be completed before a voluntary taper.

What is a relapse prevention plan


This is something that helps us learn, its defined by repeating something over and over again. 

What is repetition?


________________ is the pleasure chemical in our brains that plays a major role in substance abuse and addiction

What is Dopamine


List at least 3 non-using sources of support that you can depend on if you feel in danger of relapse

What is...


It’s when you quit , or cut back, on using a substances and you begin to develop a physical or psychological discomfort. Symptoms during this process can be mild or severe, depending on how long you were dependent, tolerance, and many other factors. 

What is Withdrawal?


Give 5 reasons to stay clean 

What is...?


3 skills you have learned in treatment to overcome cravings and triggers

(this is a question with many answers. Must answer in form of question still). What is (are) a sponsor, a relapse prevention plan, laughter, service, work, being with family, hobbies etc.