Legal Vs. Illegal Drugs
Types of Drugs
Effects of Alcohol
Triggers for Abuse
+ Coping Mechanisms

What recent drug has become legal in Canada

What is Marijuana


Alcohol is an example of what kind of drug?

What is a Depressant.


Fill in the Blank: Alcohol has _____ term affects and ____ term affects

What is short-term and long-term 


What are three triggers for substance abuse from the Substance use and Abuse Slideshow

What is Depression, loneliness, bad childhood, poor education, peer pressure, etc 


Who should you talk to get help and support for substance abuse

Who are parents/any trusted adult


Fill in the blank: Legal drugs are purchased over the counter or _____ by a doctor

What is prescribed


Stimulants are drugs that increase _____ activity?

What is Physical activity.


Name three short term effects of alcohol from the Substance use and Abuse Slideshow

What is impaired judgment, slower reflexes, mood changes, alcohol poisoning, dehydration


True or False, some people start using substances to relive pain but in the process get addicted to the substance

What is True


Where is a good place to visit for help and support

What is Religious institution, Walk-in-clinics, Rehab Centres


Name three types of legal drugs?

What is Tylenol, Antibiotics, Cough Syrup, Coffee, Advil, etc


Depressants low down activity of your what?

What is brain activity.


Name three long term effects of alcohol from the Substance use and Abuse Slideshow

What is cirrhosis of the liver, cancers of digestive tract, heart disease, brain damage, high blood pressure


Fill in the blank, there are circumstances in life that make people more _____ to abuse substances

What is more likely


What help and support line is this quote from, "Need help right now? Call to speak to a Counsellor."

*We talked about this support line in class*

What is Kids Help Phone


Fill in the blank: Illegal drugs are not obtained over the counter, they are obtained from a _____ 

What is a Source/Dealer


What are the three types of drugs? 

What is a Depressant, Stimulant, Hallucinogen.  


Why is Alcohol not often thought of as a drug

What is commonly used for religious and social purposes in most parts of the world


Scenario: Your friends are forcing you to have a drink, you don't want to, but you don't want to let them down. What is this kind of trigger called

What is Peer Pressure


True or False, Avoiding people can be a positive coping mechanism

What is True, avoiding people can help you stay away from triggers you may have from the substance 


Name the two illegal drugs that were from the substance use and abuse slide show

*one of the drugs has recently become legal in Canada*

What is Marijuana or Cocaine or Acid


Images, sounds and sensations will be experienced with this type of drug?

What is Hallucinogen drugs.


Fill in the blank: Compulsive drinking has become one of modern societies most what _____

What are Serious Problems


Why can poor education lead to substance abuse

What is: children who don't attend school don't learn the right skills to deal with substances and there side affects


Scenario: Jessie has been wanting to quit substance abuse for a long time, but can't because she doesn't know how. There are many people she can talk to, such as her younger sister, cat, next door neighbor, and her aunt. Who is the best person to talk to and why

Who is Jessie's Aunt, because she is a trusted adult, and she is family, so she's well known