Hallucinogens, Cannabis, and Combinations of Substances
What Causes Substance Use Disorders?
How Are Substance Abuse Disorders Treated?
The most commonly used depressant. An estimated 2 billion people worldwide consume this substance.
What is Alcohol
__________ is the central active ingredient of the coco plant and is the most powerful natural stimulant known.
What is Cocaine
_____________ is one of the most famous and powerful psychedelic hallucinogen drugs.
What is LCD or Acid
____________ percent of unemployed adults currently use an illegal drug, compared to 8 percent of full-time employed workers and 11.5 percent of part-time employees.
What is 17%
___________ therapy is when individuals are repeatedly presented with an unpleasant stimulus at the very moment they are taking a drug.
What is Aversion Therapy
Sedative-Hypnotic drugs are anxiety-reducing drugs that produce feelings of relaxation and drowsiness. Barbiturates and ____________, such as Xanax, are the two main types of sedative-hypnotic drugs.
What are Benzodiazepines
Millions more people use__________, a form of cocaine that has been boiled down into crystalline balls.
What is Crack
_____________ is a stimulant and a hallucinogen drug known as a “club drug” in which 6.5% of all high school students have used within the past year.
What is MDMA or Ecstasy
Psychodynamic theorists believe that people with substance use disorders have powerful__________ needs, also known as reliances, that can be traced to their early years.
What is Dependency
____________prevention training is for clients to gain control over their substance related behavior in order to prevent using the substance again.
What is Relapse Prevention Training
__________ is where all opioids are derived from including morphine and heroin.
What is The Opium Poppy
_____________ are stimulant drugs that are manufactured in a laboratory and include Benzedrine, Dexedrine and Methedrine.
What are Amphetamines
People with cannabis use disorder compulsively smoke marijuana becoming dependent on the main chemical_________ ,known for producing the main effects of cannabis.
What is THC
Operant conditioning plays a key role in substance abuse disorder because the substance pleasures the brain activating the________ center of the brain.
What is Reward
The most common opioid maintenance-drug program is the ___________maintenance program.
What is Methadone
__________ are neurotransmitters that help relieve pain and reduce emotional tension. They are often referred to as the body’s own opioids.
What are Endorphins
Almost 6 percent of all persons over the age of 11 in the United States have used the street stimulant called_____________.
What is Methamphetamine or Crystal Meth.
Because people often take more than one drug at a time, a pattern called ____________ occurs.
What is Polysubstance Use
When parents have substance use disorders, children are more likely to have them also due to_____________.
What is Genetic Predisposition or Genetics
The most widespread self-help group for alcoholics is called ____________.
What is Alcoholics Anonymous
________ percent of people with opioid use disorder die under the drugs influence, usually from overdose.
What is 2%
__________ is the world’s most widely used stimulant with around 80% of the world’s population consuming it daily.
What is Caffeine
____________ is a tolerance for a substance that one has not taken before as a result of using another substance similar to it.
What is Cross-Tolerance
_________ is a chemical in the brain that produces feelings of pleasure when activated.
What is Dopamine
Residential___________ centers are drug-free environments where people undergo individual, group, and family therapies while transitioning back into community life.
What is Treatment