Cravings, increased tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, use despite consequences, difficultly stopping or cutting back use
What is substance use disorder?
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference
What is serenity prayer?
Decreased blood pressure and heart rate, drowsiness, cirrhosis, pancreatitis, "wet brain", impaired muscle coordination
What is alcohol/depressants?
What are levels of care?
People, places and things
What are external triggers
Most popular stimulant in the world?
What is caffeine?
Step in AA that asks you to make a fearless and searching moral inventory of yourself
What is the 4th step?
Diarrhea, drowsiness, elimination of pain, overdose, vomiting, uncomfortable withdrawals
What are opiates?
Nurse, psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, case manager, experiential therapist, you
What is a treatment team?
State of mind to avoid engaging in impulsive behaviors
What is wise mind?
Most commonly abused illicit drug in the US
What is cannabis?
Self help 12 step group for people who prefer Christian oriented fellowship?
What is celebrate recovery?
Aggression, paranoia, hallucinations, insomnia, respiratory failure, stroke, heart attack
What are stimulants?
Document that highlights triggers to avoid in order to maintain long term recovery
What is a recovery maintenance plan?
Acronym for avoiding high risk situations when we are too hungry, angry, lonely or tired?
What is HALT?
The pleasure chemical in the brain?
What is dopamine?
Recovery support group that uses a cognitive based approach?
What is SMART recovery?
Bloodshot eyes, slowed reaction time, impaired muscle coordination, memory impairment, hallucinations
What is cannabis?
Highest level of care?
What is inpatient or detox?
Acronym for DBT assertiveness communication skill
What is DEARMAN?
The 3rd leading lifestyle-related cause of death?
Support group that uses Buddhist principles to navigate recovery?
What is Dharma recovery?
confusion, dizziness, hallucinations, loss of brain cells, hearing loss
What are inhalants?
Minimum length of time to be in treatment for best chances of long term recovery?
What is 60-90 days?
Mindfulness skill to avoid rumination
What is 5,4,3,2,1?