Gateway Drugs
Tobacco & Alcohol
What's the Risk?
Types of Drugs
What is a gateway drug
A gateway drug is a habit forming drug that can lead to the use of other, more intense substances
I am the highly addictive substance in cigarettes
What is nicotine
I am the #1 preventable cause of death in the U.S.
What is smoking
I create feelings of happiness, alertness, and excitement followed by a "crash" that leads to feelings of anxiety and depression, which causes people to want to use more of me
What is a stimulant
If you or someone you know is drinking alcohol, how can you stay safer?
-buddy system -tell parents where you are -always keep your drink with you -have a safe ride home -eat & drink water
I am found in cigarette's
What is tobacco
When someone drinks more than their body can handle
What is alcohol poisoning
I am a deadly disease that can be transmitted through sharing drug use tools
What is Aids and/or Hep C
I slow down brain activity and depress the nervous system creating feelings of calmness and drowsiness, as well as impaired mental functioning
Name a fun & meaningful activity someone could do instead of using substances
-sports/hobbies -hang out with family/friends that don't use -movie/video game -cook -draw/paint/write -volunteer/get a job ....AND MANY OTHERS
It takes half as much of this to damage a teen's brain as it does an adult's
What is alcohol
What is a common sign of alcohol poisoning
- shallow breathing - passing out - vomitting - clammy skin - slurred speech -shut down gag reflex
Name 2 affects that drugs have on our brain
-judgement & decision making -appetite -reasoning -perception -coordination -memory -emotions -mood & behaviour -problem solving -attention -sleep -speech -reaction time -breathing ......... AND MANY OTHERS
I interfere with the senses, changing the way people think, see, and hear things. I can intensify someone's mood and aggravate or trigger an existing mental illness.
What is a hallucinogen
Give an example of a refusal statement that you or a friend could use if you were feeling pressured to use drugs and alcohol
- I have to work tomorrow - I have a big test tomorrow - I'll be in big trouble - My health isn't good enough - I'm driving - No thanks
I am the illegal drug most commonly used by teen's
What is marijuana
Name 2 factors that will determine the effect that alcohol has on you
-amount you drink -speed of drinking -body weight -sex -other substances in your body -amount of food eaten -life situation -physical and mental health
When teen's use substances they can change the way their brain develops, this is because the ______________ continues to develop into our mid 20's. This part of our brain is responsible for the development of our rational thinking and reasoning abilities.
What is the frontal lobe
Name 1 hallucinogen
salvia, magic mushrooms, LSD (Acid), PCP, marijuana, ketamine
If you experience someone that is passed out from alcohol poisoning, what should you do?
Call an adult, recovery position so they don't choke on puke, call 9-1-1, stay with them
True or false: Today, gateway drugs also include inhalants
If a woman consumes alcohol during her pregnancy, it can cause the baby to develop _____________
What is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
Psychoactive drugs target the brain's reward system by flooding the circuit with the "feel good" neuro-transmitter __________________
What is dopamine
Name 1 stimulant and 1 depressant
Stimulant: cocaine, caffeine, crystal meth, ecstasy, nicotine, crack, amphetamines (speed) Depressant: alcohol, pain killers, rophynol, heroin, sleeping pills, some anti-anxiety meds
Name 3 places/people you can to for help and information on substance use
teacher, youth leader, guidance counsellor, youth worker, a support group, your doctor, Addictions Foundation Manitoba, or a trusted adult in your life.