a number that is a common multiple of the denominators of two or more fractions.
common denominator
the numbers below the line in a fraction that tells the number of equal parts in the whole
two or more different fractions that name the same part of a whole or the same point on a number line
equivalent fractions
the number above the line in a fraction that tells the number of equal parts that are being described
a number with a whole number part and a fractional part
mixed number
the product of a given number and any other whole number
numerator is greater than the denominator
The first chapter of Henry's book is 5 2/3 pages long. The second chapter is 8 2/5 pages long. How much longer is the second chapter than the first chapter?
2 11/15 pages longer
What is 5 4/5 - 1 9/10
3 9/10
What number do you add to 3/4 to get 5/6?
Cara's bathroom floor has an area of 3 2/3 square yards. She lays down a rug that has an are of 1 1/4 square yards. What are of her floor is NOT covered by the rug?
2 5/12 square yards
What is the value of the expression 3/5 - 1/3?
The sum of 4 1/2 and what number is 12 5/7?
8 3/14
Carter's sister is 17 1/3 years old. Carter is 2 1/2 years younger than his sister. What is Carter's age in years?
14 5/6 years
Find the difference between 1 2/5 and 9 /10
5/10 or 1/2
6/8 - 1/8 =
3/4 - 1/3 =
2/3 - 1/2 =
5/6 - 1/4 =
3 1/4 - 1 2/3 =
1 7/12
7 3/5 - 9/10 =
6 7/10
2 5/8 - 1 1/4 =
1 3/8
18 2/3 - 16 5/6 =
1 5/6
6 5/6 - 4 1/3 =
2 1/2
3 2/3 - 1 1/4 =
2 5/12