This is the name of the owner of the bar, Sabina's aunt.
Who is Rufina?
This is where most of the story takes place (in Latin)
What is the popina?
amīcī popīnās intrant
Friends enter the bars.
The word "ancilla" is in this case.
What is the nominative?
This singular verb means "she is"
This is the name of the British woman who comes to the rescue.
Who is Catia?
This is where everyone is coming from to the bar.
What is the Circus Maximus?
Also acceptable: The chariot races, the games, ludi
multī spectātōrēs in viā ambulant.
Many spectators are walking in the road.
The word "amicus" is this declension.
What is second declension?
Is clamat singular or plural?
What is singular?
These are the characters who make trouble in the bar.
Who are the charioteers (aurigae)?
This is what the men do in the bar to cause trouble.
What is "grab the enslaved woman"?
ego ancillam tuam habeō.
I have your slave woman.
The word popīnam is in this case.
What is accusative case?
The plural version of ambulat is this.
What is ambulant?
This is the name of the ancilla in the story.
Who is Quartilla?
This is how Catia solves her problem.
What is a sword?
aurīgae gladium vident
The charioteers see the sword.
Is senātōrēs a singular or plural noun?
What is plural?
discedunt is singular or plural?
What is plural?
This is the name of Catia's husband, who we met in Chapter 2.
Who is Gisco?
This is is Catia's response when everyone is shocked by her actions.
What is "in Britain many women have swords."
in Britanniā multae fēminae gladiōs habent.
In Britain many women have swords.
The word "gladiōs" is this number and case.
What is a plural accusative?
"sunt" means this.
What is "they are".