What is one specific place that causes triggers?
"blank" the neighborhood I use to live in; family holiday event; etc.
What do you remember about your first meeting?
(individual responses)
What is a coping skills that can be used anywhere?
counting, deep breathing, etc.
How does substance abuse affect my personal relationships?
It breaks trust and takes you away from your loved ones.
Who can an individual call when dealing with a mental health crisis?
The crisis hotline
What is three specific internal trigger?
depression, negative thoughts, anxiety, mental illness, stress
What is one of the slogans of AA?
"First things first"
"easy does it"
Let go and let live"
What is a coping skill that should be used in a quieter place when possible?
What are some of the things that define us as individuals?
From personality types to morals and interests, these are the truths that define you as a person.
What can an individual do when dealing with a mental heath crisis?
use coping skills
What is one of the most common triggers?
Stress or anxiety
What is one recovery slogan that applies to recovery but does not work for everyone?
"meeting makers make it"
How does accountability relate to coping?
They both have individuals "take responsibility for the situation."
What are some of the defaults that an individual could find during a self-inventory?
procrastination, negative thinking, being a perfectionist, worry about what others think or things you cannot control
Why is it helpful to have a mix of different ways to cope during hard times?
It diverts our attention and provides a break from our difficulties. reflective activities allows us to think about the situation; should distract ourself to much because then we don't look at the hard times
using a coping skill, for example, calling someone you trust, going to a meeting, taking some deep breaths, counting, mediation, etc.
What is helpful about the Serenity Prayer, and what is the second part of the Serenity Prayer?
It reminds us to let go of what we can control and work on what we can, and it helps with our relationship with our higher power.
"Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as Jesus did,
This sinful world as it is,
Not as I would have it,
Trusting that You will make all things right,
If I surrender to Your will,
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with You forever in the next. "
What are two coping skills that can help with your emotions?
How often should you do a self inventory, and why?
Your daily emotions, attitudes, and actions, both positive and negative, move you either further into recovery or back toward drinking/using or other self-defeating behavior. Assessing your progress frequently is an important part of maintaining your commitment to change.
How can talking about a hard time be helpful?
it allows an individual to be able to process what is going on
What are the consequences of not coping with your triggers? (be specific)
going back to using or relapsing, going to jail, breaking bridges or relationships, having negative thoughts, not taking care of responsibilities, etc.
What is a "celebrate recovery" slogan that discusses family?
“Our family is affected by addiction." I will accept it, find strength in God and my recovering community, and go forward.” ~ Libby Cataldi
Why is it important to use coping skills?
They help us handle triggers and deal with life on life's terms.
Why is doing a self-inventory so important?
Taking a personal inventory means reflecting inwardly and taking stock of what makes you, you.
Why is it important to keep your mental health stable in recovery?
When we are mentally healthy, we enjoy our lives, our environments, and the people in it. We can be creative, learn, try new things, and take risks. Most importantly we are better able to cope with difficult times in our personal and professional lives