Cold Related
Heat Related
Blood Related

What is hypothermia and what temperature does the core body temperature need to drop below to be classified as such?

A medical condition in which the victim's core body temp has dropped significantly below normal. 

95 degrees Fahrenheit


What is heat stroke and how is it different from heat exhaustion?

- A response to heat characterized by extremely high body temp and disturbance of the sweat mechanism. 

- Heat exhaustion - characterized by fatigue, weakness, due to inadequate intake of water.


What is fainting and what is a common sign that someone might faint?

A partial or complete loss of consciousness due to a temporary, insufficient supply of blood to the brain

  • Pale complexion

  • Sweating- (Unusual sweating within the circumstances)

  • Cold Skin

  • Dizziness

  • Numbness and tingling of the hands or feet

  • Nausea

  • Vision disturbances


Name two symptoms of frostbite.

- skin slightly flushed (reddish-pink)

- Skin turns white or grayish-yellow

- Usually no pain


Name two signs or symptoms of heat exhaustion.

Fatigue, weakness, Nauseous 


How do you recognize a stroke using the F.A.S.T method?

  • Face… Watch for droopy cheeks, eyelid, spit from the corner of the mouth~

  • Arm… There will be weakness or inability to use the arm- also, coordination with this arm… 

  • Speech… Words not sounding right; slurring, inability to think/remember words~

  • Time… Get moving with care for the victim- *note the time the symptoms occurred… 


List the four factors that affect the extent of cold injuries. 

- Windy Velocity 

- Type and/or duration of exposure

- Temperature

- Humidity


Who is at the highest risk for heat-related illnesses? Provide atleast two examples. 

Elderly, Small children, Alcoholics, People overweight


2 Causes of strokes which we talked about in class. 

Embolism- A floating clot which is a fat deposit on the artery walls, but can also be: air bubbles, pus or bacteria, and amniotic fluid.

Aneurism- The place where the blood vessel bursts.  If it occurs in the brain, it is considered a stroke.  


What are the three types of hypothermia and how do they differ?

Acute Hypothermia (most dangerous) - Body temp drops very quickly. 

Sub-Acute - Occurs over a period of hours.

Chronic- Typically caused by an underlying disease.


Describe how to provide first aid for a person experiencing heat stroke.

  • Cold bath + ice water- (The best method)

  • Cold/Cool water on the forehead/top of head~

  • Cold/Cool water on the wrists and other joint areas~

  • Cold/Cool water on the neck~


List two immediate first aid steps to take if someone is having a seizure.

  • Keep the victim from hurting themselves- move objects they might bump into during the seizure.

  • DO NOT place a blunt object in between their teeth…

  • DO NOT pour any liquid into their mouth……

  • DO NOT assume they will be alright- neurological interference has just happened – they should be checked out by a doctor…


Explain why alcohol consumption can increase the risk of hypothermia.

Answers may very...


What is the significance of the body stopping sweat production in relation to heat stroke?

Answers may very


Describe the signs and symptoms that indicate a heart attack.

  • Extreme discoloration of the lips, skin and fingernail beds.

  • Shock

  • Swelling of the ankles.

  • ** Sometimes the victim has upper abdomen pain (nausea and/or vomiting) and thinks it is just indigestion.