Character traits about Michael.
A 13 year old boy from Detroit City. Wants to act cool. A friend to Tyler. Knows how to swim and canoe very well. Has a secret. Almost drown in a pool and is now afraid of the water.
What fear does Michael have?
Afraid of the water.
Who is the main character?
What does sudden mean?
quickly, immediately, instantly
Synonym or opposite for fear.
Character traits of Tyler.
Tyler is a year younger than Michael (12 years old). A Detroit City kid. Impressed by stuff and willing to show it. Excitable
Why is Michail afraid of the water?
He hit his head and almost drown in the city pool.
Where does the story take place?
(present day) modern times
Camp Outback a summer place for Detroit city boys. on the shore of East laske, deep in the wilderness of upper Michigan.
stern is a multiple meaning word:
give two meanings
A person who is to be strict, serious, or uncompromising.
Back part of a ship, canoe, boat (front is bow and back is stern)
Opposite of sudden.
Gradually, slowly, take your time, eventually
Character traits of Mr. Bell
A Detroit police officer. Runs the camp. Welcomes campers.
Who saved Michael when he almost drowned?
Police Officer Diane Brown.
Is this story fiction or nonfiction?
define capsized.
Overturned in the water.
Synonym for clumsy.
Eva Sanchez Character traits.
From the girls camp. Was in the front of the canoe with Michael. Good canoeist.
Define the word fear.
an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.
Who is the author and illustrator?
Author is Dennis Fertig
Illustrated by Scott Goto
Define Trespass
enter the owner's land or property without permission.
Antonym for terrified.
confident, unafraid, calm
Jeremy Sellars character traits.
He was a Camp Outback canoe counselor would go across the loake with the group.
He was in a canoe with Kara in the second canoe.
He fell over in the canoe and bumped his head.
Michael saved him.
Name a fear
Phobias of heights and flying
Phobias of social situations
Other common phobias
What is the major problem in the story and how is it solved?
Michael has a fear of the water because he almost drown over the summer. He overcomes his fear and canoes across the lake, then saves Jeremy by jumping in and pulling him to the canoe.
define Drown
die through submersion in and inhalation of water.