Her favorite mind-stimulating game in the Sunday paper
What is 'Dr. Pepper'?
Her combination drink from Starbucks
What is 'Passionfruit iced tea with lemonade'?
Her favorite color (not to wear, or decorate her home with, but her favorite color)
The mascot of her college (that she ended up graduating from)
What are 'The Mighty Monarchs'?
A name that Sue throws out when she can't think of the right one
What is 'Irving'?
Who is 'Novak Djokovic'?
Sue met this individual serving him at a local soup kitchen, and worked with her friends to get he and his kids settled in an apartment
Who is 'Nelson'?
Playing in a sandpit one day as a kid, Sue cartwheeled onto this creature
What is 'A Scorpion'?
A way she describes the weather on a dreary day
What is "It's a gray, gray, day"?
Her favorite grape
What is 'Chardonnay'?
A local deli owner circa 2008 in the Great Falls Village Center who mom befriended (who now owns a coffee shop in Arlington)
Who is 'Jad'?
A saying used often by her father, Pappy, that sheds optimism and emphasizes that rough times can be temporary
What is 'This too shall pass'?