Verbal warning signs
Behavioral warning signs
General info
the WHY

is Saying goodbye a lot or telling people how important they are a verbal warning sign?

yes, before some people go, they want to have a chance to say goodbye.


is crying a lot more a warning sign?

Yes, they might be in such a dark spot that they just can't function.


what job(s) have the highest suicide rate?

Some of the jobs with the highest rates of suicide are nursing, first responders, and construction workers.


is worthlessness a reason people commit?

yes, some people feel like they might be better not in the world.


what is in patient treatment?

in patient treatment is when you are in the hospital, in a safe environment and take classes to help you through a suicide attempt or want.


Is making jokes about wanting suicide a warning sign?

yes, some people tend to joke about it to make it seem less uncomfortable


is slowing down or speeding up talking a warning sign?

yes, sometimes people get really anxious and talk fast or can't manage words very well so they speak slower.


are men or women more likely to commit suicide?

men are more likely, with 63 percent of suicides being men.


is happiness a reason people commit?

usually not.  happiness is what people struggle to achieve when they commit. 


is therapy a way to deal with suicide?

if you are considering suicide, a therapist might be a good idea. this allows you to share and work through things.


is mentioning suicide in a discussion about it a warning sign?

No, they are just talking about it.


is apologizing a lot a warning sign?

No, some people and more sensitive and just apologize more than others.

what 3 countries have the highest suicide rate?

Lithuania, Russia, and South Korea. in these counties, people are often mistreated. 


is sadness a reason for commiting?

yes, people don't see a way out and it clouds their heads.


what does ACT stand for?

stands for acknowledge, care, and tell. these are important steps to helping somebody considering suicide.


is asking a lot of questions about suicide a warning?

yes, some people are scared and try to reassure themselves with others.


is staying home and missing events a sign?

yes, a lot of people will stay home so they don't have to see the people they know that it will hurt if they take their life.


what race is most likely to commit

American Indians and Alaskan Natives have the most people that commit suicide. they are likely under payed, or struggling.


is a traumatic event a reason someone might commit?

yes, after a traumatic event, one might not be able to get it out of their head.


what does QPR stand for?

QPR stands for question, persuade, and refer. These are the steps that you should do if confronted with somebody who might want to commit.


is looking up methods for suicide a warning sign?

yes, a lot  of people want to find the least painful way to go.


is being happier a warning sign?

yes, before people go through with it, they may feel relieved and like they don't need to worry anymore.


what age range is most likely to commit

15-24. this age is when most people struggle the most with suicide.


your brain isn't fully developed until a certain age. this makes it more likely you won't make the most rational decision. what age is it?

your brain fully developed at age 25.


should you always tell a trusted adult if somebody comes to you?

not always. sometimes people just need to tell somebody but aren't actually going to do it. as long as the person is safe, its ok.