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Interacting with suicidal person
Environmental Factors
Responding to the hanging/cutting vicitm
After the suicide/attempts
Removal of persons from visiting list Giving away personal property Threats of suicide Unusual agitation or aggression Social withdrawal
What observable behaviors might a suicidal inmate engage in?
General population if no medical or mental health problems are observed. General population with an appropriate referral for mental health services if problems are observed. Referral to medical or mental health care services for emergency services if it appears that placement in GP would pose a threat.
What are possible disposition decisions based on mental health screening interview.
Perceived Authoritarian environment. No apparent control over future. Isolation from family and friends. Shame of incarceration. Potentially de-humanizing aspects of incarceration. Fears. Perceived insensitivity of workers.
What are 7 characterisitcs of correctional environments that might influence suicide attempts and self-injurious behaviors.
First Aid kit Emergency cut-down tool (AKA "seat belt cutter" or "911 tool") CPR facemask Latex gloves
What are t least 2 items that should be a available in housing units to rescue a suicide vicitm
Identify changes and improvements in policies, procedures, and training so that a similar occurance of self-harm does not occur in future.
What is the major purpose of the Clinical Review of Suicide/Attempt?
Prior suicide attempts History of suicide in family Current or prior mental illness Command hallucinations History of substance abuse/appearing intoxicated
What are suicide risk factors
Obligations to wife, children, etc. One's religion
What are protective factors?
Insensitive or negative attitudes can cloud staff's thinking and cause them to overlook the signs and symptoms of potentially suicidal behaviors. Poor staff/offender relationships can have a negative impact on offender mental health.
How can staff members' attitudes influence suicidal behaviors?
Radio/call for help. Cut down the victim rapidly using the emergency cut-down tool. One staff should hold the victim up while the other cuts, loosens, or removes the noose. Call for ambulance and in-house person immediately. Administer first aid and CPR.
What are the steps in responding to the hanging victim?
Critical review of circimstances surrounding the incident. Description of relevant staff training recieved by stff involved in incidcent. Review of possible triggering events (circimstances that might have led the victim to self injury). Recommendations (if any) for changes in policies, procedures, training, physical plant, mental health and medical services, and overall operating procedures.
What are 3 items that should be included in a Clinical Review?
Neglect of personal appearance Increase or loss of weight Sleeping problems -- too little, too much Lack of energy
What behavior/appearance might you observe in a suicidal person?
Are you thinking of killing yourself? Have you attempted suicide before? Has anybody in your family ever committed suicide?
What are questions that you might ask a possibly suicidal person?
Correction staff can learn to control negative attitudes by participating in training and re-training. Control ones feelings and attitudes toward offenders results in more effective suicide prevention and practice. Participate in CIT training to develop patience, empathy, compassion, and professionalism.
Describe what can be done about negative staff attitudes.
Control external bleeding by applying direct pressure to wound, elevating injured area, and applying pressure to artery or vein. Call ambulance and in-house medical and health care personnel. Advise in-health medical personnel that inmate may need stitches and may lost a lot of blood. Never leave vicitim alone. Initiate a referral to mental health staff.
What are 5 steps for responding to victims of self-injurious behavior?
Training. Identificaiton/referral/assessment. Communicaiton. Housing. Levels of monitoring/supervision Intervention Reporting Follow-up and recommendations
What are 5 components of comprehensive suicide prevention progams that should guide the inquiry in the suicide review?
Being male. Being Caucasian or Hispanic. Psychopathology or Mental Illness.
What are groups of offenders are at special risk for self-harm.
Unconscious. Semiconscious Bleeding Otherwise obviously in need of medical attention
What are conditions for which medical and/or mental health clearance should be required before admitting an offender into custody
Constant observation. Close observation. Step down precautions.
What are three levels of "watch" for suicidal offenders?
Use a face-mask or breather when administgering CPR. Wear disposable latex or rubber gloves. Wash your hands carefully for 20 seconds. Clean up any contaminated surfaces with a mixture of water and bleach (1/2 cup of bleach to 1 cup of water).
What are 2 examples of universal precautions.
A Critical Incident is an event that has the potential to cause a crisis response in a person.
What is a Critical Incident.
Police Officers. Corrections Officers. Physicians. Veterinarians.
What are professional groups at high risk for suicide.
Ask question of arresting or transporting officer. Observe new inmate for any unusual behavior or characteristics. Questionning the inmate regarding his/her medical and mental health status Making a disposition or referral
What are 4 parts of a mental health screening
Protrusions such as coat hooks or plumbing features should be removed from cells and sleeping areas. Repair or replace typical steel beds to close off areas underneath. Locate suicide observation areas near nursing or control centers. Use fire retardant mattresses that do not produce toxic fumes.
What are features of architecture that make a facility suicide resistant.
Critical Incident Stress Managment (CISM) Employee Assistance Programs (EAP's) Work Place Violence Programs. Workers Compensation Programs.
What 3 services that may be available in a jail or prison to staff menbers who have been involved in/or wittnessed a suicide, suicide attempt, or self-injurious behavior?