How long is the holiday of Sukkot?
The holiday of Sukkot lasts for eight days or 7 if you live in Israel.
Why Do We Shake the Lulav?
as a prayer that God withhold "bad winds" (from the four directions) and "bad dew" (from above to below). Meaning, we ask that the natural forces of the world function in harmony with man rather than destructively.
We shake in all directions to show that G-d is all around us.
The first time we shake the lulav and the etrog we say...
chag sameach
what body part is the lulav
What are the four species of the Lulav?
The “four species” of the Lulav that is shaken during Sukkot prayers are the citron fruit (in Hebrew etrog); myrtle (in Hebrew hadass); date palm (in Hebrew lulav); and willow (in Hebrew aravah). When these four species are combined they become a Lulav. If one of the species is missing, the entire Lulav cannot be used and is considered unkosher.
how do we dispose of of the Four Species
you can hold onto them until Passover, and then burn them together with your chometz which you will also burn.
Why do we celebrate Sukkot?
an agricultural festival and an historic reminder of the years that the Israelites wandered in the wilderness of Sinai. Sukkot is a reminder that we should not become excessively attached to material wealth and fame. It is a time to reconnect with the natural state of the world.
can the sukkah have 2 sides
no it must have 2 and a half
what body part is the etrog
What are the other names for Sukkot?
Sukkot is a holiday of many names. Some refer to it as the “Feast of Ingathering,” as it is a harvest festival. Other refer to as the “Feast of Booths,” because of the temporary dwellings built on the holiday. Sukkot is often referred to as the “Feast of God” or “Zeman Simchateinu,” which translates as Season of Joy.”
Why is Sukkot Celebrated in the Fall?
after the harvest. This is the time when people are happiest and the most blessed with possessions
In order for the Etrog (citron) to be certified as kosher for use in the ritual of Lulav, what must not fall off?
Pitom (Stem)
true or false: never eat in the sukkah
false. You should eat in the sukkah.
what body part is the myrtle tree
Why do the Jewish people build a sukkah?
The Jewish people build a sukkah – translated as booth or hut – to represent the huts in which the Israelites dwelt during their 40 years of wandering in the desert after escaping from slavery from Egypt.
Who are the Ushpizin?
the specially invited guests, whom we welcome to our Sukkah
The lulav is made from the branches of three different types of trees bound together. Which trees?
Palm, Myrtle, Citron
how do you say "the 4 species" in hebrew?
arbat haminim
what body part is the willow tree
Where do we learn about the holiday of Sukkot in the Torah?
In Leviticus (Vayikra),Sukkot is described as a holiday to commemorate the Exodus
what does the word sukkah mean
The Sukkah must be a non-permanent structure and must consist of what? Which one is not true
a ceiling made from only organic material
at least two-and-a-half walls
an oven
a ceiling you can see the stars through
what is "aravah"
willow tree
why do we call the species body parts
because we need our body parts to live a meaningful Jewish life