World History
Best Selling Authors
Bodies of Water
Potent Potables

This group of indigenous people created a calendar that lasted nearly 5,000 years and ended December 21, 2012 

Who are the Mayans?


He was an English playwright, poet and actor. He is widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist.

Who is William Shakespeare? 


There are no bridges across this very long river.

What is the Amazon?


This is the name for a slow-moving mass of ice, rocks, and debris that slides down a slope

What is a Landslide?


Johnny Cash once recorded a live album just east of Sacramento at this prison

What is Folsom Prison?


As Nick Charles says in "The Thin Man", it's all about the rhythm in the shaking--you shake a Manhattan to fox trot time but you use waltz time to shake a dry one of these gin drinks

What is a Martini?


This is the name of the only NFL team to go a full season including the Super Bowl without a loss.

Who are the Miami Dolphins?


This company founded by the Dutch in the early 17th century established a direct trade throughout Asia.

What is the Dutch East India Company?


She is a British author and philanthropist. She wrote Harry Potter, a seven-volume fantasy series published from 1997 to 2007.

Who is JK Rowling?


Iceland can be found in this ocean.

What is the Atlantic?


This natural phenomenon occurs when a large body of water, such as a river or lake, overflows onto normally dry land

What is a Flood?


In 1986 this New York capital celebrated the 300th anniversary of its charter as a city

What is Albany!


Varieties of this brand of scotch include Red, Black, Gold & Blue Label

What is Johnny Walker?


Michael Jordan won this many championship games with the Chicago Bulls.

What is six?


The Spanish soldiers, explorers, and fortune hunters who took part in the conquest of the Americas in the 16th century were called by this name.

What are the Conquistadors? 


She was an English writer known for her 66 detective novels and 14 short story collections, particularly those revolving around fictional detectives Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple

Who is Agatha Christie?


Situated between Virginia and Maryland, it is the largest estuary in the United States.

What is Chesapeake Bay?


This is the term for a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust, resulting in seismic waves

What is an earthquake?


Known for its Victorian homes, Cape May in this state celebrates Victorian Week every October

What is New Jersey?


A gin & tonic cocktail, for example, or the tall, straight-sided glass in which it's served

What is a High Ball?


Raging Bull, the 1980 movie, was about this real life boxer.

Who is Jake LaMotta?


This philosophy holds that monarchs are God’s representatives on earth and are therefore answerable only to God and is still used today.

What is Divine Right?


Born into an aristocratic family, his notable works include the novels War and Peace and Anna Karenina, often cited as pinnacles of realist fiction, and two of the greatest books of all time.

Who is Tolstoy?


This colorful body of water is considered the world's northernmost tropical sea.

What is the Red Sea?


This natural phenomenon is caused by the rapid expansion of air along a lightning strike, resulting in a loud sound wave

What is thunder?


On its north, this state borders Tennessee; on its east, the Atlantic Ocean

What is Georgia?


Vodka, triple sec & lime juice go into this drink named for a suicide pilot

What is a Kamikaze? 


In the movie “Castaway,” this is the specific type of sports ball Wilson is?

What is a Volleyball?


The topic of Istanbul being renamed became a popular song 1953.  This is what it is called today.

What is Constantinople?


She is the bestselling living author and one of the best-selling fiction authors of all time, with over 800 million copies sold. As of 2021, she has written 190 books, including over 140 novels

Who is Danielle Steel?


Green Bay is an inlet of this lake.

What is Lake Michigan?


This is the only country without native cats.

What is Australia? 


This city's budget is always done by congress and was incorporated as a city May 3, 1802 with its mayor to be appointed by the president

What is Washington, DC


A knickerbocker cocktail contains gin, as well as the sweet & dry types of this

What is Vermouth?


This was the moniker given to the 2014-15 NFL scandal in which the New England Patriots were accused of manipulating the air pressure of footballs used in the AFC Championship game

What is Deflate-Gate?


This is the book Adolf Hitler wrote.

What is Mein Kampf?


She has written over 300 romance novels, many of them under the name JD Robb.

Who is Nora Roberts?


This wetland featuring grasses, reeds, and other plants in shallow water called:

What is a Marsh?


This is the term for a large swirling storm system characterized by a low-pressure center and strong winds

What is a hurricane?


Literary magazine edited by O. Henry in 1894, or rock magazine founded in 1967

What is Rolling Stone?


It's the alcohol in a traditional mint julep

What is Bourbon?


The T206 Honus Wagner card was considered the most valuable sports card throughout most of the 20th century after it was sold for record-breaking sums at multiple auctions.  Honus Wagner played this sport.

What is Baseball?


He was the Emperor of Russia during the Russian Revolution.

Who was Tsar Nicholas Romanov II?


He was an American novelist. He is best known for his technically detailed espionage and military-science storylines set during and after the Cold War.

Who is Tom Clancy?


What body of water links the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea?

What is the Suez Canal?


The word "Vulpine" refers to this animal.

What is a Wolf?


They advise "Be all you can be"

Who is the US Army?


A Chiquita cocktail combines Cointreau, cream & this flavor liqueur

What is Banana? 


As part of an effort to break into the market, Nike released the Air Zoom Yorker to target players of this popular Indian sport.

What is Cricket?


August 6, 55 BC This Roman Emperor invaded Britain.

Who is Caesar?


One of JRR Tolkien's closes friends, they talked about faith and fantasy.  His real first name is Clive Staples.

Who is CS Lewis?


The Pacific Ocean is home to this, the deepest trench on Earth.

What is the Mariana's Trench?


This natural phenomenon occurs when electrically charged particles from the sun collide with Earth's northern atmosphere.

What is the Aurora Borealis? 


In southern Florida, the "queen" type of this large sea snail is often found in chowder

What is Conch?


The finest types of this liquor are certified 100% blue agave

What is Tequilla?


A 120-foot-tall, 68,000-pound baseball bat stands outside the museum of this famous Kentucky sporting equipment brand

What is Louisville Slugger?


This country has the oldest dynasty still ruling.

What is Japan?


The current king of horror and fantasy, he's sold over 400 million.  At 76 years old, he's written 65 novels and 200 short stories, not including tv or movie scripts.

Who is Stephen King?


The Pacific Ocean is home to this circle of volcanoes that stretch from South Asia to Alaska to South America.

What is the Ring of Fire?


Angora yarn comes from goats and this animal.

What are Rabbits?


Appropriately, tar was one of the first products made in this "Tar Heel State"

What is North Carolina?


In 1975 this company introduced the first nationally successful "lite" beer

What is Miller?


In 1960, this president wrote an article for “Sports Illustrated” (entitled “The Soft American”) and created fitness councils to come up with physical education curriculums for schools?

Who is John F Kennedy?

The Mesopotamian Civilization formed between these two rivers.

What are the Tigris and the Euphrates? 


This British author has sold 250 million books, such as the Tale of Peter Rabbit.

Who is Beatrix Potter?


This body of water was once known as the "Pillars of Hercules."

What is the Straight of Gibralter?


This natural disaster involves the sudden and rapid collapse of the Earth's surface,

What is a Sinkhole?


The District of Columbia's flag is based on this man's coat-of-arms

Who is Washington?


It's the traditional spirit added to eggnog, though whiskey or brandy may also be used

What is Rum?


The beginnings of yoga can be traced back 5,000 years to the Indus civilization of Northern India. In modern yoga exercises such as Ashtanga vinyasa yoga, "Ujjayi" refers to this core component of yoga practice?

What is Breath?