A religious temple/pyramid.
What invention did Sumerians invent that made land transportation easier?
How many social classes excited in Sumerian society?
Who ruled Sumerian cities first, kings or priests?
Who were the only people believed to be able to communicate with the gods?
Define barter.
a trading system in which people exchange goods without using money
What invention did Sumerians invent that made water transportation easier?
Those in the highest class - priestesses, wives of kings, etc.
In Sumer, kings were believed to be chosen by ___.
Sumerians believed that gods behaved much like ___.
Define polytheism.
The belief in more than one god.
What was bronze used for?
Who made up the middle class?
Farmers and skilled workers
Who was the chief lawmaker and judge in a city-state?
floods, wars, natural disasters
Define "irrigation".
controlling the flow of water to grow crops
What is one achievement Sumerians made with time?
60 minutes in 1 hour or 60 seconds in 1 minute
Who made up the largest and lowest class?
Enslaved people
Why did military leaders become the first kings?
They never gave back control of a city-state after a battle/war.
How did Sumerians keep gods happy?
Prayers, offerings
What is a city-state?
an independent state that includes a city and its surrounding territory
What did Sumerians invent that made farming faster and easier?
Seed Funnel
List at least three types of people that made up the upper class.
Large land owners
Wealthy merchants
Name one topic covered in Ur-Nammu law code.
slavery, marriage, causing harm to others
What were ziggurats often decorated with?
Paintings, statues