Summary Basics
Find The Main Idea
Supporting Details
Academic Vocabulary

What is the main idea of a text?

-What the author is trying to inform us about


Floods can cause tremendous damage. They can ruin houses, roads and buildings. Floods can take down trees and cause mudslides. It often leaves mud, sand and debris behind. It can take months to clean up after a flood.

Floods can cause a lot of damage.


Which supporting detail does NOT belong with the main idea of there are many helpers in the community? -Firefighters help keep people safe -Teachers help students learn -Mail carriers deliver packages and mail -Police officers patrol the streets -Zookeepers have a fun job

Zookeepers have a fun job


What is the definition of objective?

Stating only facts, no opinions


What was Mrs. Merrill's previous last name?



What is the definition of objective?

Only stating facts, not your opinion


There are eight planets in the Solar System, and each one is very different. Some planets, like Jupiter and Saturn are very large. Others, like Mercury and Mars are smaller. Jupiter has moons that are larger than Mercury. The planets also have different atmospheres. Uranus, Jupiter and Saturn have atmospheres of hydrogen and helium. The atmosphere on Venus is made up of carbon dioxide. Earth has a nitrogen and oxygen atmosphere. Neptune’s atmosphere is mostly hydrogen. The planets also have different temperatures. Uranus is the coldest and Venus is the hottest.

The planets are different. 


Which supporting detail does not go along with the main idea of the jobs of bees. -Bees are black and yellow -Queen bees run the hive -Worker bees work outside of the hive. -Drones take care of the hive and the bee eggs

Bees are black and yellow


Definition of opinion

An idea that you feel is true or correct -- not a fact.


What is Mrs. Merrill's favorite soda?

Diet Coke


What do you need to explain in the final sentence of a summary paragraph?

Why the information is important to know


You probably know that your brain and your heart are organs. But did you know that your skin is an organ as well? An organ is a body part that has a special job. Like other organs, your skin does many important things. It protects your body by keeping out harmful things that can cause infections. It contains special cells that allow you to feel the things you touch. Your skin also helps to keep your body at a comfortable temperature.

The skin is an organ that has many important jobs.


What would NOT be a supporting detail for the following main idea sentence? Main Idea: There are more reasons people like being scared than an adrenaline rush. 

a. Kerr found that people like being scared because their brains make them feel relaxed after going through something scary. 

b. Participants said they felt a sense of confidence after doing something scary. 

c. Kerr gave a survey to participants after they went through a haunted house. 

d. People felt connected to their peers after doing something scary with them. 

c. Kerr gave a survey to participants after they went through a haunted house.

Definition of indirect

An unclear or roundabout way of explaining a concept, causing a need for inference.


What other subject is Mrs. Merrill certified to teach?



What three things must be stated in the first sentence of a summary paragraph?

Title, Author, and main idea


Ellen Johnson Sirleaf was the first woman to be elected as the leader of an African country. As president of Liberia, she made huge improvements in peoples' lives. Before Johnson Sirleaf became president in 2005, Liberia was in debt, and most people didn't have jobs. The country had also been divided by a long war. After Johnson Sirleaf entered office, she asked other countries for help with the debt. She made it possible for more girls to go to school. She also worked for peace in Liberia. Because of the important work she did in Liberia, she won a Nobel Peace Prize in 2011.

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf's work made the lives of many people in Liberia better


What would NOT be a supporting detail for the following main idea? Main Idea: The Civil War had many last effects. 

a. One effect was a division between the North and the South. 

b. The U.S. Civil War was mainly caused by the topic of slavery. 

c. The Civil War resulted in the abolition of slavery. 

d. Because of the Civil War, the federal government was strengthened. 

b. The U.S. Civil War was mainly caused by the topic of slavery.


Definition of analyze

to examine and break down or process the details of a text.


What year did Thunder Ridge first open?



What POV must you write all informational writing in?

Third person


Earth is much more welcoming to life than Mars is. Earth's thick atmosphere helps keep the planet warm, with an average temperature of 57°F. In addition, over two-thirds of Earth is covered by water. These conditions make it easy for all kinds of organisms to live here. Mars, on the other hand, has a thin atmosphere and is farther from the sun. Therefore, it is much colder. Mars's average temperature is about -60°F! In addition, the surface of the planet is mostly dry and dusty. Without enough water and warmth, most organisms would struggle to survive on Mars.

Earth is better able to support life than Mars is


What would be the best supporting detail for the following main idea sentence? Main Idea: Astronauts use two different items to keep them safe.

a. One item they use is SAFER, which is a device that can help pull them back to their spacecraft.

b. Tethers act like ropes. 

c. SAFER stands for Simplified Aid for EVA Rescue. SAFER is worn like a backpack.

d. Astronauts control safer with a small joystick, like on a video game.

a. One item they use is SAFER, which is a device that can help pull them back to their spacecraft.


Definition of explicit

Fully and clearly expressed or demonstrated.


What is Mrs. Merrill's least favorite word?
