Early Humans
Neolithic or Paleolithic
Mansa Musa
Key Terms

Humans originated here from before migrating across the globe.

What is Africa?


This era, often referred to as the "Old Stone Age," is characterized by the development of simple stone tools, hunting, and gathering lifestyles.

What is the Paleolithic era?


This city, known as the "Mile High City," is the capital of Colorado and is famous for its proximity to the Rocky Mountains.

What is Denver?


This West African empire, known for its immense wealth and trade in gold, was ruled by Mansa Musa in the 14th century.

What is the Mali Empire?


This ancient Babylonian legal code, established by King Hammurabi, is one of the earliest and most complete written legal codes in history, known for its principle of "an eye for an eye."

What is the Code of Hammurabi?


What types of regions did early humans settle in?

What are River Valleys?


This period marked a significant shift in human history, where communities transitioned from nomadic lifestyles to settled farming, leading to the development of villages and trade.

What is Neolithic?


These two rivers, known as the 'Cradle of Civilization,' provided fertile land for agriculture and were home to ancient Mesopotamian cultures.

What are the Tigris and Euphrates?


Mansa Musa is famous for his extravagant pilgrimage to this holy city, which significantly impacted the perception of Mali and its wealth in the Muslim world.

What is Mecca?


This famous Malian ruler is known for his immense wealth, pilgrimage to Mecca, and efforts to promote education and culture in his empire during the 14th century.

Who is Mansa Musa?


Why did humans develop stone tools?

What is meeting basic needs?


Artifacts such as cave paintings and carved figurines primarily belong to this prehistoric era, showcasing the artistic expression of early humans.

What is the Paleolithic?


This river, often referred to as the longest river in the world, flows through northeastern Africa and has been vital to the civilizations along its banks.

What is the Nile?


Mansa Musa's reign is often associated with the growth of this valuable resource, which he famously distributed during his pilgrimage, causing inflation in some regions.

What is gold?


This field of study deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, and how they are managed in societies.

What is Economics?


This crucial development in human history, which began around 10,000 years ago, allowed early humans to transition from nomadic lifestyles to settled farming communities, significantly impacting their social structures and population growth. What is this development?

What is the Agricultural Revolution?


This era saw the establishment of permanent dwellings and the domestication of plants and animals, fundamentally changing human societies and economies.

What is the Neolithic?


This is the largest hot desert in the world, covering much of North Africa and known for its extreme conditions and diverse ecosystems.

What is the Sahara Desert.


Mansa Musa's reign led to the flourishing of this traditional African art form, which includes intricate geometric designs and calligraphy, particularly evident in the architecture of the era.

What is Islamic art?


This pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, which every Muslim is expected to undertake at least once in their lifetime.

What is the Hajj? (Pilgrimage to Mecca)


This ancient civilization, known for its advanced urban planning, sophisticated drainage systems, and use of standardized weights and measures, thrived along a river in present-day Pakistan and northwest India around 2500 BCE. What is this civilization?

What is the Indus River Valley?


This period is notable for the development of advanced stone tools, including blades and microliths, which allowed early humans to adapt to various environments.

What is the Neolithic?


This river, which flows through Pakistan, was central to the development of one of the world's earliest urban civilizations known for advanced city planning.

What is the Indus River


During Mansa Musa's reign, he established diplomatic ties with various countries, including this North African kingdom, known for its powerful influence and trade in salt and textiles.

What is the Kingdom of Songhai?


This term describes the process by which cultural beliefs, ideas, and practices are spread from one group to another, often through trade, migration, or conquest.

What is Cultural Diffusion?