Who is my favorite rec counselor
Answer: Ella and Gracie
how many weeks of broadway camp did Polly and Noah do combined?
Answer 3
Who was nicknamed hamburger knees?
Answer Henry
Who is my teacher
Answer: Mr Bell
who’s dad was almost named karen
polly and Henry’s
Which counselors are just friends
Answer: Ella and Jackson
how Many field hockey camps did I do this summer?
Answer: 2
Who is Henry’s ex
Answer: Callie
How many kids on My soccer team don’t show up?
Answer: most of them
Which kids are furries?
Answer: I can’t count that high 4+ is accepted
Who went to a camp this summer?
Answer: all of us! Duh!
How many times did I have to go to steves?
Answer: 1 for socks
which kid from rec recognized my dad the other day
max redd
Who is a German spy?
Answer: none
how many martial arts acts were in the talent show
Answer: 2
Which kids went to bulldog strong camp this summer?
Answer: henry and oj
who’s team was second in the olympics
Answer: maddys
Who is shamus’s teacher?
Answer: why are even trying? Idk who it is
this is actually grandparents: who went to the Barbie movie with the children
Answer mimi
What was the fourth grade group act
Answer: art gallery
how many weeks of theatre camp did I do?
Answer: 5. (3 descendants 2 broadway)
What state does Poolo get her sausage rolls and cheese rolls from🧀🥓
Answer: Massachusetts
What the Is my favorite emoji
Answer: 💖
How many times have I made TikTok’s with my dad
Answer? 1