Finish the lyrics
Mix it uuup

What artist is very curious to hear if Annie is in fact ok? And what is the song called? 

Smooth Criminal - Michael Jackson. ‘Annie, are you okay? So, Annie, are you okay? Are you okay Annie?’


What is the full title of the first Harry Potter movie? 

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone / Harry Potter og De Vises Sten


‘Don’t let them in, don’t let them see. Be the good girl you always have to be. Conceal, don’t feel, don’t let them know. Well now they know’

‘Let it go, let it go, can’t hold it back anymore - Let it go, let it go, turn away and slam the door’

Elsa - From Frozen 1


Which of these amusement parks is the oldest? (2x points for exact age +-10 in 2024)

A. Tivoli, B. BonBon Land, C. Bakken, D. Sommerland Sjælland

It is Bakken - the oldest amusement park in the world at an impressive 441 years.


What is the fastest animal on earth?

A cheetah (Gepard) 


Name at least three foods that appear in song titles by Harry Styles

Watermelon Sugar, Cherry, Music for a Sushi Restaurant, Grapejuice & Kiwi


What movie features the famous quote ‘I’m the king of the world’?

(2x points for naming the role & actor) 

Titanic - Said by Jack Dawson, who was played by Leonardo DiCaprio.


‘New money, suit and tie. I can read you like a magazine. Ain’t it funny? Rumours fly. And I know you’ve heard about me. So hey, let’s be friends. I’m dying to see, how this one ends. Grab your passport and my hand…’ 

‘I can make the bad guys good for a weekend. So it’s gonna be forever, oh it’s gonna go down in flames. You can tell me when it’s over, if the high was worth the pain’ 

Blank Space - Taylor Swift 


What danish island is the biggest?



What is the largest organ in the human body? 

The skin!!


What is Will Byers absolute favourite song in first season of Stranger Things?

Should I stay or should I go - The Clash


Name two of the three years Marty McFly travels to in his Time Machine from the movie franchise ‘Back to the Future’ 

He flies to 1955, 2015 & 1885 - and it all starts in 1985. 


‘It doesn't hurt me. Do you wanna feel, how it feels? Do you wanna know, know that it doesn’t hurt me. Do you wanna hear about the deal that I’m making? You. It’s you and me…’

‘And if I only could, I’d make a deal with god, and I’d get him to swap our places. Be running that road, be running up that hill, be running up that building’

Running up that hill - Kate Bush 

What food product do we eat the most in Denmark?

Rye bread (yes, I googled, and I have a reliable source!!) 


What country is the only one to have a square flag?



Name at least four of the seven places Frank Ocean sing about in his song ‘Lost’? (Extra 100 for singing it!)

Miami, Amsterdam, Tokyo, Spain, Los Angeles, India, a train ;))


Put these Disney movies in chronological order:

A. Vaiana B. Frozen 1 C. Tangled (To på flugt) D. Brave

C. Tangled (2011), D. Brave (2012) B. Frozen (2013), A. Vaiana (2016), 

‘There is nothing I need, except the function to breathe. But I’m not really fussed, doesn’t matter to me’

‘Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby - Do Ya Do Ya Do Ya Do Ya - Know what you’re doing, doing to me’ 

Ruby - Kaiser Chiefs 


How many times have Denmark won the Eurovision Song Contest in my lifetime? (1,5 x points for correct years / song and singer)

1 time: Emmelie de Forest won in 2013 with the song ‘Only Teardrops’. 

3 times total. 


How many time zones exist in Russia? +-1

11 (!!)


Name all the things Bruno Mars would do for his lover in the all time hit ‘Grenade’ 

5 things: Catch a grenade, throw his hand on a blade, jump in front of a train, take a bullet straight through his brain and die for her. But she wouldn’t do the same for bruno ;((


What movie has sold the most tickets ever? (Get points for one of top three)

1. Gone with the Wind, 202mil

2. Star Wars IV - A New Hope, 178mil

3. The Sound of Music, 142mil

‘You’re on the road and now you pray it lasts. The road behind was rocky, but now you’re feeling cocky. You looked at me and you see your past. Is that the reason why you’re running so fast? And she said…’

‘Ain’t nothing gonna break my stride. Nobody gonna slow me down, oh no. I got to keep on moving’

Break my stride - Mathew Wilder.


When did Denmark become a country? (+- 50 years) (+200 for who unified the nation?) 

In 965 (915-1015 is correct)

It was Harald Bluetooth


What is the heaviest material to exist naturally in the wild? (Tip: it’s name is similar to a ‘planet’) 

Plutonium - Similar to the ‘planet’ Pluto.