Passive Voice
Miscellaneous 1
Miscellaneous 2
U.S. Government

Correct this passive voice sentence: The house cleaned everyday.

The house is cleaned everyday. 

To make the passive voice, you must use a form of the verb "to be" + past participle.


Define the word "clique" or give an example of a clique.

A clique is an exclusive group that doesn't welcome outsiders.


What does it mean if something comes in handy?

To come in handy means to be useful.


What are the three branches of the U.S. Government?

The Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, and Judicial Branch


What is Ellis Island?

Ellis Island was the first immigration station in the U.S. It is no longer in service, but it has become a popular tourist attraction in New York.


Change this sentence to the passive voice: He made a mistake.

A mistake was made (by him).


Correct this sentence: I am agree with your opinion.

I agree with your opinion.

(Remove "am" from the original sentence.)


What does it mean to run out of something? Use the phrase in a sentence.

When you run out of something, you do not have any more of this thing left. It is a verb. For example: I ran out of ideas to solve the problem so I had to ask my colleague for help.


How often do presidential elections take place in the U.S.?

Presidential elections take place every four years.


Name one reason why people might immigrate to the United States.

(Answers will vary) 

People might immigrate for better opportunities, to escape religious persecution, to reunite with family, etc.


Change this sentence to the passive voice: She ate the pie yesterday.

The pie was eaten by her yesterday.


What part of speech is the word federal? Use it in a sentence.

Federal is an adjective that means related to the national government. For example: My sister works for the federal government.


Complete the sentence with the word "withered" or "weathered": The house was very __________ because it is located next to the sea.

The house was very weathered because it is located next to the sea.


What are the five freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment?

The five freedoms protects speech, religion, press, assembly, and the right to petition the government.


What is "The New Colossus?"

"The New Colossus" is a poem written in the 1800s that represents welcoming immigrants and refugees to America. Lines from the poem are inscribed on the base of the Statue of Liberty.


Change this sentence to the passive voice: They will buy a kitten next week.

A kitten will be bought by them next week.


Complete the sentence with a phrasal verb that uses "get": He doesn't __________ with his younger brother. They always fight!

He doesn't get along with his younger brother. They always fight!


What do we call two words that differ by one sound? For example, cot and cat.

A minimal pair


If Congress ratifies a bill, what does that mean?

When you ratify something, you officially approve it. So, in this case, Congress approves a bill and it passes to become law.


What is the difference between the words "ancestor" and "descendant?"

An ancestor is someone who came before you (like a great-grandmother or great-grandfather) and a descendant is something who comes after you (like a great-granddaughter or great-grandson).


Change this sentence to the passive voice: He loves expensive sports cars.

Expensive sports cars are loved by him. 


Do you complete the following sentence with "get over" or "get through?"

The bear cubs will need help to ________ the winter.

The bear cubs will need help to get through the winter.


When can you use the phrase "In brief?"

You can use the phrase "in brief" to conclude a paragraph. It is similar to "in conclusion" or "in summary."


Explain the term "checks and balances"

The system of checks and balances ensures that no one branch of the government is more powerful that the others.


The United States has experienced major waves of immigration. Explain the term "major wave(s)" in your own words.

A major wave is a surge, or increase, in activity. For example, at certain times in American history more immigrants have come to America than during other periods.