Cool Treats
Only in Summer
Air and Sky
Summer Activities
Scrambled Words in 'Summer'

This holiday in May -- named after a queen--is often considered the unofficial start of camping season.

What is Victoria Day?


In 1905, 11-year-old Frank Epperson "discovered" this treat by leaving a cup of sweet soda mixture with a wooden stick in it outside overnight. It froze!

What is a popsicle? Originally called Epsicle--his last name combined with icicle.


Summer solstice happens in this month.

What is June?


The day with the longest sunlight each year is: a) Summer Lights, (b) Summer Solstice, or (c) Summer Nox

What is Summer Solstice?


This is a favorite activity of summer involving a mechanism with two pedals and two wheels!

What is 'riding bikes' (or cycling)?


This three-lettered word is another way of saying "the answer" in an addition equation.

What is "sum"?


American Independence is remembered and observed each year on this day.

What is July 4th?


Ice cream remains a much beloved cool treat. Name at least 3of the top-ten ice cream flavors, according to various sources.

What are: vanilla, chocolate, cookies'n'cream, mint chocolate chip, chocolate chip cookie dough, buttered pecan, cookie dough, strawberry, moose tracks, and neopolitan?


The Arctic Circle gets 24 hours of sunlight in July.  True or false?



Name one of the three signs of the zodiac for birthdays during the summer months--the end of June, all of July and August, and the beginning of September. 

What are the signs zodiac signs Cancer, Leo, and Virgo?


This aquatic activity is a summertime favorite.

What is swimming?


This three-lettered word is a cousin to the ostrich, but is oddly not the nickname for attendees of Eastern Michigan University.

What is "emu"?


July 21st honors the much beloved sausage link eaten on a bun often with mustard, ketchup, relish, and/or other toppings!

What is National Hot Dog Day? 


These cool treats were once made from actual frozen precipitation with flavored syrup poured on top.

What are snow cones (or snowballs/shaved ice)?


Name one of the two vegetables that sell more than any others during the summer months.

What are corn and squash?


The Dog Days of Summer are named after this constellation in the summer night sky. Potter fans-- think of Padfoot the animagus' human name. 

What is Sirius?--the dog star


This is a favorite warm weather way for some people to cook food outside.

What is "grilling/barbecuing/cooking out" ?


This three-lettered word is a British word for one's "mother" or a shortened version of a 13-lettered flower.

What is "mum"?


August 16 honors this amusement park ride that goes up, up, up, up, and then down very fast! Some even go upside down.

What is National Roller Coaster Day?


In 1984, the US began a National Month (in July) and a National Day (on third Sunday in July) for this favorite creamy treat.

What is ice cream?


Name one of the three fruits that sell more than any others during the summer months.

What are watermelon, peaches, and tomatoes?


There are more than 2000 species of this bright beetle worldwide that bedazzle our eyes on Summer nights.

What a fire flies (or lightning bugs)?


These are a lot like elevated railroads that travel in a loop for thrill-seeking passengers. 

What are roller coasters?


This four-lettered word means "yeah" or "yes."

What is "sure"?


This day honors all workers and is considered the unofficial end of Summer on the first Monday of September.

What is Labor Day?


This frozen treat is made from fruit and fruit juices--called 'sorbetto' in Italian.

What is sorbet?


Which vitamin can be absorbed directly from sunlight?

What is vitamin D? It is often called the "happy vitamin" because it elevates mood.


One of these cloud types is known as thunderstorm clouds: cirrus, altostratus, or cumulonimbus.

What are cumulonimbus clouds?


Whether going far or staying close, families and friends often go on one of these adventures in a driven vehicle.

What is a road trip (vacation)?


This four-lettered word is a verb which means "to think about something thoughtfully" 

What is "muse"?