What is the rock cycle?
the rock cycle is a process rocks go through to create landforms
What color are gemstones? give example.
Any color (green , pink, yellow,& orange)
what is a landform?
A landform is a naturally formed feature on the earths surfaced.
what is weathering?
Weathering is when sediment breaks down into smaller pieces.
what are gemstones made up of?
minerals, rocks & inorganic materials.
true or False? Can mountains change over time into different landforms.
what is erosion?
Erosion is when the broken down rock gets carried away.
What is the difference between a gemstone & a rock?
A rock is a mineral & a gemstone is the end product of them forming.
How are landforms formed?
through the rock cycle
What is deposition?
Deposition is after the broken down rock build a landform.(mountains & hills)
How long does it take to form a gemstone?
million of years.
What are some kind of Landform?
Mountains, plains, valleys & desert.
What are the 3 faces of the rock cycle.
Weathering, Erosion & Deposition.
what is a gemstone?
a mineral that when cut and polished is used for jewelry.
tell me an interesting fact about landforms
anything could be count for this answer as long as its factual.