Function Inverses
Logarithms and Exponentials
Exponential Decay and Inverse Trig Functions
Indeterminate Forms and L'Hopitals

Write one keyword that is commonly used in optimization problems.

Possible keywords include

1) Minimize

2) Maximize 

3) Largest

4) Smallest

5) Optimial 


What is the domain of a function? How do you find the domain?

The domain is the set of inputs a function can take. 

To find the domain, find any points of restriction (0 in denominator or negatives in square roots are some examples).


What is the deriative of ln(x)?

(ln(x))' = 1/x


Why do we need to restrict the domain of arcsin(x)?

Because sin(x) is not one-to-one!


What were some previous methods to find the limit of a function?

1) Factor

2) Conjugate

3) Multiply by 1/highest power

4) Squeeze theorem

5) lim x-> 0 sin(x)/x = 1


What is a critical point for a function f(x)?

Where f'(c) = 0 or DNE such that is in the domain.


How do you find the inverse of a function y = f(x)?

To find the inverse, interchange and y, solve for y, and let y = f^(-1)(x).


What is ln(ab)? ln(a/b)? ln(a^b)?

ln(ab) = ln(a) + ln(b)

ln(a/b) = ln(a) - ln(b)

ln(a^b) = bln(a)


What is the formula for population growth or exponential decay or compound interest?

X(t) = X0e^(kt) where X0 is the initial population/amount and k is the growth/decay/interest rate.

Note: I choose X(t) and X_0 to keep things general! In Anna's notes, for populations you would have P(t) and P0, for exponential decay you would have M(t) and M_0 and for interest, you would have A(t) and A_0.


What is L'Hopital's rule?

Suppose that f(x) and g(x) are differentiable and g'(x) != 0. If lim x->a f(x)/g(x) = 0/0 OR inf/inf, then lim x->a f(x)/g(x) = lim x-> a f'(x)/g'(x).


What is the first derivative test?

Suppose a is a critical point for a function f.

1) If f'(a) changes from to at a, then is a local maximum

2) If f'(a) changes from to + at a, then is a local minimum

3) If f'(a) does not change sign, then a is not a local extrema. 


Consider the one-to-one function f(x) with domain A and range B. Let g(x) be the inverse of f(x), i.e. g(x) = f^(-1)(x). 

What is the domain and range of g(x)?

The domain of g(x) is and the range is A.


What is a^(x+y)? a^(x-y)? a^(x)^(y)? (ab)^x?

a^(x+y) = (a^x)(a^y)

a^(x-y) = (a^x)/(a^y)

a^(x)^(y) = a^(xy)

(ab)^x = (a^x)(b^x)


How would you go about finding the value for x = arctan(sqrt(3))?

We can write x = arctan(sqrt(3)) as tan(x) = sqrt(3). Then all we need to do is find the x values on the unit circle that satisfy the equation! 

Write three other indeterminate forms that are not 0/0 or inf/inf.

1) 0*inf

2) inf - inf

3) 0^0

4) 1^inf

5) inf^0


What is the second derivative test?

Suppose is a critical point for a function f.

1) If f''(a) > 0, then is a local minimum 

2) If f''(a) < 0, then is a local maximum


If f(x) is one-to-one and and f^-1 are both differentiable, what is (f^-1(x))'(b)?

(f^-1(x))'(b) = 1/f'(a) where b = f(a).


What is the setup of logarithmic differentiation? When is it helpful?

The set up looks as follows:

For y = f(x), we find ln(y) = ln(f(x)) and implicitly differentiate. So, (1\y)(dy\dx) = (1\f(x))(f'(x)). The last step would be to multiply y over.

Log diff is helpful when the function of interest is full of products and quotients. Applying a log to a function like this will turn the products into sums of logs and the quotients into differences of logs, which is way easier to take a derivative of!


What is the formula for Netwon's Law of Cooling?

T(t) = T_s + (T_0 - T_s)e^(kt) where T_s is the surrounding temp, k is the heating/cooling rate, and T0 is the initial temp.


What is the methods to get an indeterminate product in the right form to use L'Hopitals?

For products, you can rewrite lim x->a f(x)g(x) as lim x->a (f(x))/(1/g(x)) OR lim x->a (g(x))/(1/f(x)).


What is the area of a circle? The circumference of a circle? The volume of a cylinder? The surface area of a cylinder? 

Area of circle: pi*r^2

Circumference of circle: 2*pi*r

Volume of cylinder: h*pi*r^2

Surface Area of cylinder: 2*pi*r^2 + 2*pi*r*h


What does it mean for a function to be one-to-one? What is an important result of a function being one-to-one? How can you prove a function is one-to-one?

We have two definitions

1) A function is one-to-one if it passes the vertical and horizontal line test

2) A function is one-to-one if, for every input, there is a unique output

An important result of a function being one-to-one is that it tells us an inverse exists. 

To prove a function is one-to-one, it is sufficient to show that the function is strictly increasing or decreasing. You can also use the definition. 
What is the change of base formula?

The change of base formula is as follows:

log_a(b) = log_c(b) / log_c(a) where c is whatever base we want it to be.

Extra note: the change of base formula is helpful since we can change it to whatever base we want. Usually, we like base (natural log) since it is the most familiar to us!


How would you go about simplifying sin(arctan(x))?

First, set theta = arctan(x). Then, tan(theta) = x or x/1 and draw a reference triangle. Using the arctan(x)a Pythagorean theorem, we have that theta = sqrt(1 + x^2). So,  sin(arctan(x)) = sin(theta) = x/sqrt(1+x^2).


What is the methods to get an indeterminate power in the right form to use L'Hopitals?

In short, use logs!!!

Mathematically, set y = lim x->a f(x)^g(x). We can rewrite this as ln(y) = lim x->a g(x)ln(f(x)) = lim x->a ln(f(x))/(1/g(x)).