"I'm Maddie's mom." Is this enough to let the child go with her?
How often should sites be cleaned?
Who's the Director of Parks and Recreation?
Tom Venniro
What happens in the middle of camp and at the end?
What should you be wearing every day of camp?
- ID badges (HP Rec, building badge)
- HP Rec Staff Shirt
(Closed-toe shoes will also be accepted)
How does drop off/pick up work for B&AR?
Parents will text using our app.
Usually a counselor is outside in the morning
At pick up, a counselor will go out to "deliver" the child
Do campers use the main entrance of the buildings?
Never, no.
List three things counselors are expected to do
Who reaches out to parents regarding behavior/injury?
Site Directors/Summer Camp Coordinator
How often should we be picking students up?
Never! It's hard to avoid, but it's the expectation!
What's the new of the new app we're using for parent communication?
Where will parents pick up/drop off their children?
- Door 1 (Right of Swim Doors at Merton Williams)
- Left door of Main Entrance at Village Elementary
List two things the Site Directors are responsible for.
Look at what I'm wearing. What am I missing?
Lanyard with School access ID and Parma ID
What do we need to avoid while on the playground
What does a parent NEED to provide to pick up a child? (Bonus: Where do we check this?)
Parents need to provide an ID
We check this in the Kid Zone folder/binder
Good TWO person job
What are three things you'd find in the Med Bag?
- Bandages
- Ice Packs
- Medical forms
- Med Log
- Camper medications
Tell me two things you (your director) should bring with you on trips.
- Med Bag
- Kid Zone forms/sign in sheet
- Health Cheat Sheet/Forms
Who can post kids?
Directors ONLY in the HP Rec Summer Camp thread, other than that no one.
Counselors-In Training: What are they? What should we expect from them?
- They are middle school students; not a camper, but not staff "intern"
- They should assist counselors, follow directions, play games with the kids, be an extra set of eyes.
What do you do if the person picking up the child is not on the approved pick up list?
- Tell your director, director double checks, director calls the summer camp coordinator to see if anything changed.
BONUS: 300 points. What should we do if they're still not approved after calling the summer camp coordinator?
List ONE thing you, as a counselor, can not do on school grounds
Alcohol, smoking, vaping, drugs
What should you say to parents when you don't know the answer to a question?
Various responses, but don't just say "I don't know"!!! Example; "I'm not 100% sure, let me ask the director really quickly for you!"
What is your number one job as a counselor?
Having fun, keeping the kids safe
List any 5 pieces of equipment provided by HP Rec
- Any sport/play equipment
- Coloring pages, construction paper, writing utensils
- Any medical supplies
- Paperwork; Kid Zone forms, health information