Prophet Stories
Morning Adkhar
Manners in Islam
Allah's Names
Islamic Trivia

Who was the first man and Prophet created?

A. Prophet Nuh (AS)
B. Prophet Yunus (AS)
C. Prophet Adam (AS)

C. Prophet Adam (AS) was the first man and Prophet created


How many times do we recite each surah in the morning?

A. 1 time
B. 2 times
C. 3 times

C. We recite each surah 3 times in the morning


How many times should you wipe your head while making wudu?

A. 1 time
B. 2 time
C. 3 time

A. You should wipe your head 1 time when making wudu


How many beautiful names does Allah (SWT) have?

A. 54 names
B. 99 names
C. 125 names

B. Allah (SWT) has 99 Names 


Arkan al-Islam or The Pillars of Islam consist of how many religious duties of Muslims

A. Five
B. Seven
C. One

A. Arkan al-Islam or The Pillars of Islam consist of five religious duties of Muslims


What did Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and Prophet Isma'il (AS) build together?

A. House
B. Water Well
C. Ka'bah

C. Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and Prophet Isma'il (AS) built the Ka'bah together


What is the first surah we recite in the morning?

A. Surat An-Nas
B. Surat Al-Ikhlas
C. Surat Al-Falaq

B. The first surah we recite in the morning is Surat Al-Ikhlas


How many good deeds is the following phrase equivalent to: "Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah"

A. 10 good deeds
B. 20 good deeds
C. 30 good deeds

B. "Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah" is equivalent to 20 good deeds


What does Al-Asma Ul-Husna mean?

A. The Truthful One
B. Friend of Allah
C. The Beautiful Names of Allah

C. Al-Asma Ul-Husna means The Beautiful Names of Allah


During which part of the day are Muslims allowed to eat during Ramadan?

A. All day long
B. From dawn to sunset
C. From sunset to dawn

C. Muslims are allowed to eat from sunset to dawn during Ramadan


How many years was Prophet Nuh (AS) spreading the message of Islam?

A. 950 years
B. 500 years
C. 250 years

A. Prophet Nuh (AS) was spreading the message of Islam for 950 years


What is the second surah we recite in the morning?

A. Surat An-Nas
B. Surat Al-Falaq
C. Surat Al-Ikhlas

B. The second surah we recite in the morning is Surat Al-Falaq


What is the first step of wudu?

A. Washing your face
B. Saying "Bismillah"
C. Wiping your ears

B. The first step of wudu is saying "Bismillah"


What does Al-Wadood mean?

A. The Most Loving
B. The Absolutely Pure
C. The Sustainer

A. Al-Wadood means The Most Loving


How many heavens has Allah (SWT) created?

A. Six
B. Seven
C. Eight

B. Allah (SWT) created seven heavens


Which of the following was NOT one of the things Prophet Ayyub (AS) lost in his test from Allah (SWT)?

A. His wife 
B. His health
C. His kids 

A. Prophet Ayyub (AS) did not lose his wife in his test from Allah (SWT)


What is the third surah we recite in the morning?

A. Surat An-Nas
B. Surat Al-Falaq
C. Surat Al-Ikhlas

A. The third surah we recite in the morning is Surat An-Nas


How many times should you knock on someone's door before leaving?

A. 3 times
B. 2 times
C. 1 time

A. You should knock on someone's door 3 times before leaving


What does Al-Malik mean?

A. The All-Hearing
B. The Absolute Ruler
C. The Patient 

B. Al-Malik means The Absolute Ruler


What does Laylat al-Qadr mean?

A. The Night of Revelation
B. The Night of Power
C. The Night of Purity

B. Laylat ul-Qadr means The Night of Power


Which of the following was NOT one of Prophet Musa (AS)'s miracles?

A. A staff that turned into a snake
B. Explaining the meaning of dreams
C. His radiant hand that would glow white

B. Prophet Musa (AS) was not able to explain the meaning of dreams


Finish the dua: Audhu...

A. billahi rabba, wa bil Islami dina, wa bi Muhammadin sall-Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallama nabiyya
B. bika asbahna, wa bika amsaina, wa bika nahya, wa bika namutu, wa ilaikan-nushur
C. bikalimaatil-laahit-taammaati min sharri maa khalaq

C. A’udhu bikalimaatil-laahit-taammaati min sharri maa khalaq


Which of the following is not one of three reasons we need to make wudu?

A. To pray
B. To attain forgiveness for our sins and mistakes
C. To visit others' homes

C. You do not need to make wudu to visit others' homes


What does Ash-Shakoor mean?

A. The Most Appreciative
B. The Responsive One
C. The Most Kind 

A. Ash-Shakoor means The Most Appreciative


What is tayammum?

A. Dry ablution (wudu)
B. Ablution (wudu)
C. Washing the whole body

A. Tayammum is dry ablution (wudu)