Supplies and Animals

How many different camp titles do we offer? 


Sea Slugs, Sea Squirts, Only One Ocean, Underwater Playground, Seaside Science, Coastal Inspirations, Ocean Adventures, Surfing Into Science


What is the radio code for a lost person?

Code Guppy


True or False: CampDoc needs to be completed by guardians by the last day of camp

False: CampDoc must be completed before the first day of camp

What is the code for the key box?



True or False: An Assistant can check out campers if Educators are busy

False: Only Educators can check in & out. If you need assistance, call for a Coordinator or Manager.


Which camps include offsite days?

Seaside Science, Coastal Inspirations, Ocean Adventures, Surfing Into Science


What is the number one rule with ratios?

A staff member should never be alone with a camper out of view


True or False: Every member of the camp staff should know about a camper's disability. 

False: Only staff on that camp team should reference the medical binder. When speaking with others about the camper, focus on accommodations instead of diagnosis or condition.


What are 2 things you should do when you're finished using the laminator?

1. Turn it off

2. Flip the sign to "cooling down"


How long do we wait during check in/out before calling guardians?

15 minutes


Which restroom is each age group using?

4-5: South Classroom

6-7: Staff Restroom

8-10: Staff Restroom/Public Restroom (offsite)

11-13: Public Restroom (offsite)


What are the evacuation areas for a minor and major emergency? Aside from the campers, what else do you need to bring with you?

Minor: whale fountain

Major: parking lot 

You need the camp roster


What happens when a camper forgets their snack?

Get them some goldfish and make sure to let their guardians know at check out


How should you wash live animal bins?

Use fresh water and animal scrubber- no soap! Place on the drying rack and put back in the cabinet when dry.


What should you do if an anemone completely closes up during an animal touch portion?

Let campers know that the anemone needs some time. They can either touch other animals or do another activity in the meantime. Remind campers of animal touch rules.


What are 2 things you should do before taking campers behind the scenes?

1. Go over rules and expectations

2. Radio husbandry to let them know


What is our protocol with EpiPens?

Campers must hold onto EpiPens at all times and be able to self administer if necessary


What are the 2 things every camper receives on Monday morning?

T-shirt and name tag on lanyard


Where do squid/mackerel go after a dissection?

In a green compostable bag that is taken to the food waste bin by the dumpster

How do you call out sick for camp?

1. Text (or call) Danielle C. - anytime of the day/night!

2. If no response, text Alaine, and other program coordinators until you get a response. 


What is a live animal that husbandry needs to deliver to the classroom? (i.e. it's not on our racks)

Moon Jellies

Mussel Clumps


What happens when an injury occurs at camp?

1. Provide care to the camper

2. Fill out the incident report and give to Danielle C.

3. Camp Coordinator will call the camper's adult

4. Educators can check in with adults at check out


How many scholarships were we able to provide this summer? 

3 scholarships for each camp each week = 

39 camps x 3= 117


Which animal should campers never touch?

Shore crab- they pinch!


What are the names of the 3 cell phones? Who has each one?

Camp Coordinator: Danielle C.

Field Programs: 8-10 Camp

Snorkle: 11-13 Camp