This role is responsible for the direct care, guidance, and supervision of campers during the day and during sleeping hours.
Thumb Lake Road
Magee Road
Spirit Mountain
The Lake
What is Spirit Mountain?
(Camp Boundaries are: Thumb Lake Road, Magee Road, The Lake, and The Director's House.)
This is where we will eat all our meals
What is the Retreat Center?
Yelling at, hitting, or insulting a camper
What is No?
This high school camp provides a safe environment for LGBTQIA+ campers and allies.
What is Camp Beloved?
This role leads a particular week of camp, creating, planning, and recruiting campers and staff.
What is Dean?
Places to Build a Fire:
Horner Center
The Firebowl
The Beach
The Bell
What is The Retreat Center
(Horner Center, Firebowl, Beach, Fire Pit by Retreat Center, Fire Pit Outside Horner.)
This is where we will gather for an emergency drill
What is the Bell?
Having an in depth conversation with a camper about the lesson of the day
What is Yes?
(Guidelines: Be within eyeshot and earshot of other people. Never be one on one with a camper away from others!)
This camp loves God and loves Music
What is Choir Camp?
This role helps to organize, set up, and coordinate camp programming and activities.
What is Program Specialist/Director?
Camp Footwear
Tennis Shoes
Hiking Boots
Flip Flops
What is Flip Flops?
(Closed Toed Shoes should be worn at all times, except when going to and from the beach.)
This is where we will meet for outdoor, evening worship
Treating a camper like a friend and gossiping, talking about your romantic relationships, or letting them go through/use your personal items like clothes, makeup, etc.
What is no?
(You are not the campers' friends! You are the adults, so you need to be the adults. You can be friendly with them, but you will find other ways of connection!)
This high school camp accepts, loves, and encourages all campers in their spiritual growth journey, knowing that God loves them as they are!
What is As We Are?
This role is responsible for the Health and Safety of campers
What is Health Officer?
Things Counselors Help Campers With
A Bloody Nose
Questions About Faith
Knowing Where to Go at Camp
What is a bloody nose?
(Do not touch any bodily fluids. Take them to Doc Larry)
This building has a labyrinth painted on the floor, and is where we will meet for morning worship
What is Horner Center?
Encouraging a camper that's been sitting out of a lot of activities to try a new activity with you
What is Yes?
These camps help turn anxiety about camp into excitement for camp
What are Bear Camps?
(Teddy Bear, Black Bear, Polar Bear)
These two people are Lake Louise's Executive Director and Lake Louise's Director of Camping and Outreach
Who are Neil and Greg?
Things Allowed at Camp
Bug Spray
Weapons of any kind
Water Bottles
What are Weapons of Any Kind?
(We cannot have alcohol, weapons, fireworks, tobacco products, or any drugs on camp property.)
This is where we will play Nuk'em
What is the Athletic Field.
Giving a camper a side hug or rubbing their upper back (fully clothed, another adult present, with their consent) as a means of comforting a camper.
What is Yes?
This camp is all about sharing God's love and hope through creative expression
What is MOSAIC?