Project Management
Customer Experience
A system to directly collect customer information and payments online. This system is also expected to generate information for field teams (such as rosters, medical needs / allergy lists, and establish needed staffing ratios), as well as sales reports and income statements for corporate officers.
What is an online Registration System?
The number one advantage held by multi-site, multi-city youth program providers which allows them to function with higher margins then mom & pop competitors?
What is brand awareness.
CDC's core product.
What is Child-care?
Aligning the work of several people in so that each person knows which part of the job they are responsible for.
What is clarifying roles or "clarity". Will also accept: What are Task Assignments?
The process of testing the various experiences that customers have from inital marketing and sales, registering and throughout their life-cycle of their time with the company.
What is "Walking the Customer Pathways"?
A process to track the financials (expenses and revenues) of two products or lines of business within a single business.
What is assigning Accounting Codes?
Laymen use this term to describe the container things are sold in. However, this marketing term mean how some product will be described. It generally focuses on benefits and features which are desired by the market place. It will establish a look & feel, identify how the products will be explained to the customer. In marketing circles it is called the first "P" of Marketing.
What is packaging? Will also accept: What is "product"?
Program elements which require significant planning and expense, require more advanced training, and are so totally campy that some summer staff will attempt them without suitable risk management / training in place.
What is (will accept any of the following): Aquatics, Field Trips, Camping, Science Experiments
Knowing when things need to happen by.
What is a time line?
Helping a customer find the program they want for their child and helping them decide to purchase it now and from us.
What is sales?
A system to gather leads for a sales team in which one logs any and all communications with the customer. The system is generally expected to return reports on the number and type of contacts made and on the conversion of leads to customers.
What is a Customer Relationship Managment System?
A benefit offered to a customer which can only be obtained by making their purchase on a deadline. (The 4th "P" of marketing.)
What is a promotion?
A multi-year program that allows older summer camp youth to begin learning how to be a counselor some day. When professionally administered, these programs not only provide oppertunity to lead, but also include specific skill development and mentoring.
What is a Counselor-In-Training Program?
A pre-established understanding of who will be involved, and to what degree, for the various descisions which will take place in a project.
What is Responsibilty Assignment Matrix? Will also accept Accountability Assignment Matrix... or even just Stakeholder Assignments.... or RASCI / RASI.. etc.
Deepening connections with current customers through value added communications and exchanges that do not revert the customer back to a prospect, but rather are customized to respect their knowledge of us and place in our family. Typically facilitated in-person by those staff on the front lines - but can also under-lay a program approach.
What is Realtionship Building?
A system that allows for the shareing of learning content on-line. More effective then a flat website, these systems manage content in a database. Generally having accounts for users which specifiy what materials they need access to and often used for on-line training. Additional features often include shared work spaces for collaboration.
What is a Learning Management System (LMS)? Will also accept (CMS) Content Management System?
The process by which one determines the best locations for various programs or outlets. This is generally used to decide which programs should be offered to various markets based on demographics, competition, etc.
What is Market Research?
A program location which has been singled out as the place where pilots will be testing, staff will recieve longer and more intensive training sessions, program details will be established and documented, and subject matter experts will be hired for the summer season to provide specialty summer camp programming.
What is CDC's new Flagship Locations; Camp Yet-To-Be-Named!?
Resulting in the accomplishment of great things. Typically with a sum greater then it's parts, as players each take a different role. Ultimately bringing together their completed works to contribute to the assemblance of the final single product. Requiring trust and confidence in others. A way to expidite larger projects.
What is team work?
Providing a progressive set of programs / products which will appeal to your customer database after they grow out of your "starter" product line.
What is Market Development? Will also accept: What is Program Progression? and/or: What is customer retention?
An improved state of something we already have. Providing customers with more site specific information about which programs and which topics are available, which weeks, all pricing, perhaps even photos and/or bios to provide local flavor. Writen in a style which increased local SEO for better organic search results.
What is a CDC website with pages for each center?
Necessary for a statewide top-down strategy to roll foward. The only way to monitor market traction and coverage. The only way to work with bigger mediums (such as online) vs. flyers, and redirect efforts to more advantageous areas and activites with shorter responce times.
What is a statewide marketing budget?
Establishing a set of camp programs from which CDC leadership (with guidance and criteria) can pick the one's they want to run at any given location.
What is balancing "ownership" with alignment to corporate branding? Will also accept: What is "One Size Does Not Fit All."?
The person responsible for accomplishing the stated project objectives. Creating clear and attainable project objectives, building the project requirements, and managing the triple constraint for projects, which are cost, time, and quality (also known as scope).
What is the Project Manager? Will also accept: What is the Program Manager? (The Program Manager has oversight of the purpose and status of all projects in a Program.)
Necessary if you are going to be holding someone accoutable for something. There can be no responsibility assummed without this.
What is authority?