Basic Principles
Yusuf's Story
Surah Al Kafiroon
Hadith Study
Wildcard Trivia

How many basic (fundamental) principles did we discuss? 

We discussed the three basic (fundamental) principles.


Who was Yusuf's (AS) father?

Yusuf's (AS) father was Ya'qoob (AS).


Surah Al Kafiroon is equivalent to reciting _____ of the Qur'an. (fraction)

Surah Al Kafiroon is equivalent to reciting 1/4 of the Qur'an.


What is a Hadith?

Sayings, actions, and characteristics of the Prophet ﷺ which were reported by his companions.


Which Prophet was ordered by Allah to build an Ark and load it with 2 of each animal?

Nuh - Noah (AS)


What is a principle?

Principles are ideas or truths that form the base of a system of belief. Simply put, principles are the basics of any system.


What did Yusuf's (AS) brothers use to try and trick their father into believing Yusuf had been eaten by a wolf?

They dipped a shirt in false blood.


What did Quraysh worship other than Allah?

The Quraysh worshipped idols, statues, false gods, and rival gods.


Who was 'Umar (RA)?

'Umar was a companion of the Prophet ﷺ and the 2nd Khalifah after the Prophet ﷺ.


How many Surahs are there in the Qur'an?

There are 114 Surahs in the Qur'an.


What is the first basic principle of Islam?

The first basic principle is Knowing Allah.


What did Yusuf (AS) see in his dream?

Yusuf (AS) saw 11 stars, the sun, and the moon prostrating to him.


Surah Al Kafiroon is the ______ surah of the Qur'an. (number)

Surah Al Kafiroon is the 109th surah of the Qur'an.

Recite in Arabic, the section of Hadith we learned last week.

إِنَّمَا الْأَعْمَالُ بِالنِّيَّاتِ

“Innamal A’maalu Bin Niyyaat”


How many daughters did the Prophet ﷺ have?

The Prophet ﷺ had 4 daughters:

Zainab, Ruqayyah, Umm Kulthum, and Fatimah, (RA).


What are the second AND third basic principles of Islam?

Knowing Islam and Knowing Muhammad ﷺ.


As mentioned in class, what tremendous test was Yusuf (AS) given by Allah?

Allah tested Yusuf (AS) with the wife of al Azeez.


Which people was Surah Al Kafiroon specifically directed towards?

Surah Al Kafiroon was specifically directed towards the people of Quraysh.


Some scholars said this hadith covers 1/2 of knowledge, and some said it covers _____ of knowledge. (fraction)

Some scholars said this hadith covers 1/2 of knowledge, and some said it covers 1/3 of knowledge.


Who were the first 4 Khalifahs (leaders after the Prophet ﷺ) and the best of his companions?

Abu Bakr, 'Umar, 'Uthman, and 'Ali, (RA).


Where did the 3 basic principles come from?

These 3 basic principles come from the three questions that every person will be asked about in the grave.


What solution did the witness from the family of al Azeez have, to find out who was at fault?

He suggested to check which side of Yusuf's (AS) shirt was ripped. If it was ripped from the front, then Yusuf (AS) was guilty. If it was ripped from the back, then the wife was guilty.


What situation was the reason for revelation of this Surah?

The Quraysh asked the Prophet to worship their gods for a year, and in turn, they would worship Allah for a year.


What are the 2 conditions for an action to be accepted by Allah?

The 2 conditions are:

Ikhlaas (sincerity / correct intention)

Mutaba'ah (following the correct way)


Which book is known to be the most authentic book after the Qur'an?

Saheeh Al Bukhari, the collection of Prophetic Hadiths by Imam Al Bukhari (RA).