A person, place, or thing.
What is a noun?
You have a substitute today, what is your responsibility to give and tell them?
What is give them the mic and tell them how and why to wear it?
Sign this word: Directions
Arizona shares a birthday with this holiday:
What is Valentine's Day?
This the character from Big Hero 6 that is the big white robot that was built to be a "healthcare companion" to help people.
Who is Baymax?
This is what we call action words.
What is a verb?
You can't see the interpreter clearly in class so you?
What is tell your interpreter and teacher so the interpreter can move to a better spot?
Sign this word: Responsibility
Mrs. Jen's baby is named:
Who is Joe/Joseph?
This is the movie about two dogs who fall in love. One is a pretty dog that lives with a family, the other dogs lives on the street.
What is Lady and the Tramp?
These words are used to describe things.
What is an adjective?
Your teacher forgot to turn this on during the showing of a video/movie for class. You ask them to "Please put on _____ _________.
What is Closed Captioning?
Sign this word: Earth
Leap Year fall on February 29th. We have a Leap Year every ___ years.
What is 4 years?
What is the name of the town that Anna and Elsa live in?
What is Arendelle?
Could've, Would've, Should've are contractions of what words?
What is: Could have, Would have, Should have?
Your interpreter signs something you don't understand, what do you do?
What is: Ask them to "pause/hold" and ask to explain the sign/concept again because you don't understand.
Sign this word: Happiness
Arizona became a state in the year ____.
What is 1912?
This is the bamboo who helps Simba realize he needs to take his place as King.
Who is Rafiki?
When you list items in a sentence you separate them with a _______?
What is a comma?
What is: I need to see their mouth and facial expressions to help me understand what is going on since I don't hear everything clearly.
Sign this: I am excited to go back to school in August
I am excited to go back to school in August.
The 4th of July celebrates our country's day of declaring independence from Great Britain/England. This happened in the year of ____.
What is 1776?
The name of the dog who follows Miguel around in the Disney Pixar movie "Coco."
Who is Dante?