A sudden sharp pain.
Muscle Cramps
The process of drinking more water
Hydrate / Hydration
You wear this cold item like a biker.
Cooling Vest
When you get used to the heat after being in it for a few weeks.
Painful muscle spasms
Muscle Cramps
High Temperatures Create
This stimulant gives you energy but is bad in the heat.
This item keeps your arms feeling good.
Cooling sleeve.
Being more than a few lbs. overweight.
Loss of Conscious Related to Heat
Heat Syncope
Pain Inside Your Skull.
This involves resting
Take a Break
Outside PIT drives may have this canopy.
Solar Cover / Reflective canopy
Not drinking enough water
When Body Temperature is Severely Elevated
Heat Exhaustion
This Muscle is Beating Fast?
Rapid heart rate.
Instead of wearing heavy clothes in heat wear?
Light weight clothing.
This new item is being installed in the aisles.
Going to nightclub and drinking a lot of this.
Swelling of Hands and Feet when Exposed to Heat.
Heat Edema
You just expelled your lunch.
Vomiting / Throw up
Bri and team hand out waters for an Hour.
Hydration hour.
This protects my head and face from the sun.
Bucket Hat / Brim Hat
Not Eating Well.
Poor Nutrition
Most Severe form of Heat Illness
Heat Stroke