SI Structure
Program Goals
Course Schedule
Other Information
Wild Card

Sherri Maxwell and ****

Who are the course instructors? 


 The first program goal. 

What is "To produce initial licensure candidates who have met or exceeded the Colorado State Department of Education standards for teachers"?


Teacher identity, culture, and impact. 

What are three major topics for week one according to the syllabus? 


Report this information to the field coaches and field manager. 

What are class absences? 


Submitting your own original work, citing sources where appropriate

What is academic honesty? 


Mary Helen Cammack, Bev Lyons, Karen Lunceford, Lauren Ellison, and Chris Powell.

Who are the field coaches? First and last names.


empathy, equity and professional competance

What are the core educational dispositions? 


Teaching and learning cycle, classroom climate, and classroom management

What are three major topics for week two according to the syllabus?


Final Grade

Attendance and class participation will affect what? 


4: exceeds the standard, 3: meets the standard: 2 approaches the standard; 1 does not meet the standard. 

How are assignments scored during the year?


Teachers of record and residents.

What does the collective term "residents" refer to?


To work with diverse learners including those with special needs and who are culturally  and linguistically diverse. 

What other abilities must teachers have in terms of diversity


Local communities, cultural awareness, and mentor collaboration. 

What are three major topics for week three according to the syllabus?

Lack of authentic participation, unexcused absences, late arrivals, and early departures (without prior notification) 

What is considered unprofessional? 


A 3 or 4 on the High Priority Resident Practices 

What will residents need to achieve by the end of the year to be eligible for licensure (pass the course)?  


Theory and practice are intertwined to allow authentic teaching and learning experiences.

What is the theory into practice connection?  


Incorporating evolving professional standards, applicable public policies, and academic research. 

How will residents serve as role models to their fellow teachers? 


Choice Words, Disrupting Poverty, and The First Days of School. 

What three books do we need to have purchased for Summer Institute? 


Canvas and Google Classroom 

What are the platforms for turning in assignments? 


Modifications and accommodations needed to address a resident's disability

When should a resident contact the instructors? 


How does theory deepen the understanding of the practical applications in the classroom and how does know the realities of classroom life help the theory become more relevant and meaningful?

What two essential questions answered by the theory into practice model?


Teacher Identity; classroom instruction and management; and culture and community. 

What are the three content strands of Summer Institute? 


To produce teachers who have the ability to work with diverse learners including those who have special needs and those who are culturally and linguistically diverse.

What program goal is most addressed by the Summer Institute?


Google PEBC account 

How will you communicate to the BTR team? 


Speaking your point of view, showing respect, and listening are valuable tools for furthering thoughtful and enlightening dialogue.

What is academic freedom and responsibility?