This country was re-invited back to the olympics in 1992 after a 32 year ban from participating in international sport.
South Africa
This country leads the all time medal count for the summer olympics. (They also lead the all time Gold count)
United States
Brazil is known as the more dominate country in this Olympic sport.
This athlete has the most total medals ever in the summer olympics with 28
Name and Sport.
Michael Phelps
City and country where the ancient olympic games began
Olympia, Greece
These five countries are known as the powerhouses in the pool.
Name 4 out of 5
Hungary, Japan
Germany , United States
The first nation and last nation to enter the stadium at opening ceremonies
Greece is first
Host country is last
These five sports are the only ones to have been held at every modern olympic games.
(Name all 5. You can list 6 max)
Note: Modern olympics began in 1896.
Fencing, athletics: track and field, cycling, gymnastics, swimming
This man is the all time leading scorer in Olympic Basketball history.
Carmelo Anthony
The summer olympics have been held in these three different U.S. Cities.
Los Angeles
St. Louis
Only five countries have participated in every summer Olympics name 4 out of 5 (You can list 5)
Great Britain
What do the five rings on the Olympic Flag Represent?
Australia, Africa, Asia, Europe, the Americas
Abebe Bikila was a runner for the country of Ethiopia. He ran this event barefoot in Rome, 1960.
Name the running event.
Oscar Swahn was the oldest medalist to compete in the Summer Olympics in 1920, how old was he?
(Side Note: He won Gold)
( 65, 72, 87, 59)
72 years old
(He was a shooter. He also qualified at age 76 but withdrew)
19 Countries have hosted the summer olympics. The person who can list the most wins.
United States, United Kingdom, Greece, France, Germany, Australia, Sweden, Belgium, Netherlands, Finland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Canada, Soviet Union, South Korea, Spain, China, Brazil
What is the only country to win a gold medal in every Summer Olympic Games?
Great Britain
What is used to light the Olympic flame in Greece?
An olive branch and the suns rays… a mirror can also be used.
This sport is being added to the 2024 olympic games
Break Dancing
This olympic athlete “wasn’t supposed to win”. He was black and was competing in track and field in 1936 in Berlin. Hitler’s Germant saw him as a lesser athlete because of the color of his skin. He went on to win four gold medals.
Jesse Owens
Only months after the assassination of MLK Jr., U.S. track runners Tommie Smith and John Carlos raised their fists in protest at the 1968 Summer Games. What city and country was the host of these Olympic games?
Mexico City, Mexico.
6 countries have won both a World Cup, and Olympic gold in mens soccer. Name 5 out of the 6. (List up to 6)
Italy, Uruguay, France, Spain, Argentina, Brazil
The Summer Games were cancelled twice. Name the years and the reason.
1916- World War 1
1940 and 44 World War 2
DAILY DOUBLE: 6 new sports are being added to the 2020 summer olympic games
Note: Some brand new, some that have been re-added from the past.
Name 5 out of 6. List 6 max.
Baseball, softball, karate, roller sport or rollerblading, climbing, surfing.
Larisa Latynina for the Soviet Union is the all time leader in Summer Olympic medals for women. Can you name two of the three leaders in United States women's history?
Hint all swimming.
Jenny Thompson
Dara Torres
Natalie Coughlin,
This host country (name city and country) had the largest attendance of any summer olympic games.
They sold 8.3 million tickets.
Atlanta, United States