Main idea
New Word

Jack and Brandon write big letters on a poster board. They grab cups and put their chairs behind the table outside. They get the pitcher ready and stir in the water, lemon juice and sugar. What is happening?

They are having a lemonade stand. 


Pippa and Mae are such troublesome dogs. They both love to bark and bark and bark... constantly! They won't stop, no matter what! They also will sometimes pee on the carpet in the family room, which makes the house smell so bad! The worst thing is when you take them for a car ride and they throw up in the car! EW! They are bad, but at least they are super cute. 

Main idea is that the dogs are troublesome/bad



very angry, full of rage

The boy was really MAD at his brother for breaking his lego build. 

angry, furious, enraged, 


Joey and Stacy get their team's shirts on and paint their faces red and white. They stop at the stands and get popcorn and hot dogs. They find their seats and sit down, waiting for the first pitch. 

They are at a baseball game


Yoga will help to calm your mind, even if you are extremely stressed. Doing yoga everyday can help to make your body more flexible and make your muscles stronger. Yoga can be done in a quiet, calm room, or in a really hot room with loud noise! There are many great benefits to doing yoga. 

There are many benefits to doing yoga. 



to destroy, knock down


Julia was so HAPPY that she won the first place prize in her Spelling Bee contest!

excited, cheerful, elated, overjoyed, 


Dan got on his bathing suit and grabbed his sunscreen. He packed his towel, goggles, and a water bottle into a bag. He walked out the door ready for a fun day. Where is he going?

He is going to the beach/pool


Dan had never felt so sick in his life. His throat was scratchy. His nose was running. His eyes were red and itchy. His head hurt and his body ached all over. All he wanted to do was lay in bed and never get out again. He couldn't wait till his mom got home with medicine. He had never been so sick! 

Dan had never felt so sick. 



strange, or odd


Kelly was really SAD that she wasn't able to visit any of her friends over the summer. 

gloomy, depressed, discouraged, upset, hurt


Jordan looked at the big building in front of her. She grabbed her back pack and lunchbox tight and walked to the doors nervously. She saw a bunch of kids walking off the buses and walking in front of her, ignoring her.  She took a deep breath as she walked up to the doors. 

Its her first day at a new school

Everyday when I come home, Charlie will run to the door to greet me. He always cuddles with me in bed, and will lay on my lap when I am watching TV. He loves to watch the birds outside the windows and jump at them from the couch, even though he can never get them. Charlie is the best cat in the world!

Charlie is the best cat in the world



certain to happen 

Hannah was SCARED at the loud noise she heard outside in the darkness.

terrified, fearful, petrified 


Sarah's luggage is packed and she finds her terminal. She gets her tickets ready and sits down, reading a book until they call for her group.

She is going on a plane


Countryside is a great place to learn. Our principal Mrs. Zataveski is always there to listen to you, no matter what. All of the teachers care about the students and are willing to help them every day. The kids learn to treat each other fairly, and there's always a fun activity happening! Countryside is a great school!

Countryside is a great school!



to keep trying, never give up, to get over the obstacles no matter what


It was a NICE day outside when we went to the beach. 

Sunny, hot, beautiful, cool, breezy,