
“People rarely asked us where we were from, because in Newport Beach, the rule of thumb was ‘If not blond, then Mexican.’ People would ask me things like ‘Could you please tell Lupe that she doesn’t have to clean our house next week . . . “’

Who is Firoozeh?


“He strolled around the house admiring his new silhouette, pretending that having his organs crushed was somehow enjoyable.  But like all forms of self-inflicted pain, the stomach girdle eventually lost its appeal”

Who is Firoozeh's Uncle Nematollah?


This theme is shown through the divide between the Greasers and the Socs.

What is social class conflict

What does Ponyboy's hair symbolize?

- his status as a Greaser

- his sense of belonging to a group based on appearances


“One time in biology I had to dissect a worm, and the razor wouldn’t cut, so I used my switchblade.  The minute I flicked it out-I forgot what I was doing or I would never have done it—this girl right beside me kind of gasped, and said, “They are right. You are a hood.”  That didn’t make me feel so hot”

Who is Ponyboy?


“He didn’t look like any farm boy to me.  He still reminded me of a lost puppy who had been kicked too often, but for the first time I saw him as a stranger might see him.  He looked hard and tough because of his black t-shirt and his blue jeans and jacket, and because his hair was heavily greased and so long”

Who is Johnny?


This theme is shown through the sacrifices characters make in the novel to help/support those around them.

What is loyalty/friendship/family?


What does Ponyboy's recitation of "Nothing Gold Can Stay" symbolize?

- the theme of impermanence throughout the novel

- how life's good moments are fleeting and you need to appreciate them when you have them


“ ‘I’ll bet you think the Socs have it made.  The rich kids, the West-side Socs. I’ll tell you something, Ponyboy, and it may come as a surprise.  We have troubles you’ve never even heard of. You wanna know something?’ She looked me straight in the eye. ‘Things are rough all over”’

Who is Cherry Valence?


He remained an Iranian who loved his native country but who also believed in American ideals. He only said how said it was that people so easily hate an entire population simply because of the actions of a few”

Who is Firoozeh's father?


What does it mean when Cherry tells Ponyboy "things are rough all over"?

- regardless of social class/conflict, everyone has problems


What do Bob's rings symbolize?

Wealth and power


“When you’re in a gang, you stick up for the members. If you don’t stick up for them, stick together, make like brothers, it isn’t a gang any more”

Who is Ponyboy?


“No, it wasn’t ____________ the Soc who was helping us, it was _____________the dreamer who watched sunsets and couldn’t stand fights.  It was hard to believe a Soc would help us, even a Soc that dug sunsets”

Who is Cherry Valence?


How does Firoozeh's quote also apply to The Outsiders:

"It’s not what we eat or don't eat that makes us good people; it's how we treat one another. As you grow older, you'll find that people of every religion think they're the best, but that's not true. There are good and bad people in every religion. Just because someone is Muslim, Jewish, or Christian doesn't mean a thing."

- Groups that people belong to, or religions they practice, do not solely define who a person is

- How they behave and treat people is a better indication of their identity


Why did Firoozeh want to change her name to Julie?

To avoid the stereotypes associated with having a different/foreign/unpronounceable name


"Greasers will still be greasers and Socs will still be Socs. Sometimes I think it’s the ones in the middle that are really the lucky stiffs."

Who is Randy?


"I am a greaser. I am a JD and a hood. I blacken the name of our fair city. I beat up people. I rob gas stations. I am a menace to society. Man, do I have fun!"

Who is Sodapop?


What does Firoozeh's statement "Without my relatives, I am but a thread; together, we form a colorful and elaborate Persian carpet" mean?

- Her family and her Persian roots are very important to who she is as a person and shapes her identity


What do the many literary references symbolize in The Outsiders?

Literature creates a bond between Ponyboy and the other characters: he discusses books with Cherry, recites poetry and reads with Johnny, and at the ned of the book, he starts writing his autobiography.