Eating Disorders
Personality Disorders
Schizophrenia Spectrum
Childhood Disorders
Disorders of Aging

The two types of Anorexia

What are the restricting type and binge purge type?


This disorder is marked by emotional instability, very all or none thinking, high suicide risk, emotional instability, and low self worth.

What is Borderline Personality Disorder?


In order to meet the criteria for Schizophrenia, an individual has to have symptoms for how long?

What is 6 months?


Adam is constantly losing his temper and arguing with his parents about doing his chores. He also blames people when things do not go his way, and constantly intentionally annoys classmates. Adam is probably diagnosed with:

What is ODD?


One key common symptom that overlaps dementia and depression in older adults is ________

What is loss of concentration? What is fatigue?


Two things eating disorders have in common with one another

Most sufferers are women

They all start off with concerns about body image

They are hard to treat bc of medical problems


With this disorder, individuals are afraid to go out in public for fear of being shamed by others,  embarassed, or rejected. They also have low self-esteem.

What is avoidant Personality Disorder?


Name two types of delusions

delusion of grandeur, paranoid delusions, delusions of reference, erotomanic delusions


Two main symptom areas of Autism Spectrum disorders are:

What are restricted interests and repetitive behaviors/ AND impaired social communication?


What is a common pathological feauture of Alzheimer's disease that can be found through autopsy of the brain?

What is plaques and tangles of the neurons?


Three health problems related to Bulimia

What are: tooth erosion, electrolyte imbalance, GERD, heart disease, bad breath, tears in esophagus?


The names of the three categories/ clusters of PDs 

The Odd type, The Emotional type, the Anxious type


This disorder is marked by less severe schizophrenic symptoms, with less interruption to daily functioning, and symptoms should be present at least one month but less than the criteria for full schizophrenia

What is Schizophreniform dsorder?


Three early signs in infancy that a child may have autism?

What are: child is not making eye contact, child is not making milestones for first words and language such as babbling, child is nto engaged in pretend or parallel play?


This is the main neurotransmitter associated with diminished learning and memory with ALZ disease?

What is Acetycholine? What is glutamate?


Most individuals with Anorexia share these common backgrounds (demographics/ personality traits)

What is the fact that they are Caucasian, come from high SES families, come from high demand families?


The defining characteristic of Schizotypal PD is ____, while the defining characteristic of Schizoid PD is _____

What is oddness/ preference to be alone?


Name at least three types of treatment approaches aside from typical one on one talk therapy and medication management for schizophrenia?

What is milieu therapy, hat are day treatment programs, social skills training, avatar therapy (talkng to the voices), mindfulness training


The three types of ADHD 

What are: inattentive type, combined type, hyper/ impulsive type?


In the video watched in class, delirium was described s having two types. These are ________

What is quiet delirium and agitated delirium?


A criteria for diagnosis of Anorexia in the DSM-IV but no longer needed for the DSM-V

What is loss of menstrual cycle?


Name three facts about Personality Disorders, in general

What are the following: they are hard to treat, they affect relationships and work/ social settings, the person has limited insight, these are diagnosed in early adulthood, late teen years?

A motor problem that results in involuntary and repetitive movements in the face typically and also the body that is ard to control and related to the conventional antipsychotic medications

What is Tardive Dyskenesia?


This is one main factor that makes a Conduct Disorder diagnosis different from Antisocial Personality Disorder

What is the person has to be under 18 years of age?


There are a few distinctions between delirium and dementia. Two of these are _____?

What is delirirum could be more short term? What is they have different causes?