Text Examples
Reading Strategies
The lesson to be learned and applied to our lives or the author's message
What is theme?
The way the author describes a character's personality.
What is Characterization?
Based on the quote, what conclusion could we draw from the story? "Ryan," he breathed, his face beginning to throb with the pain that was always below the surface now. "But, Mommy, What happened to that boy's face? A. Something bad happened to Jared's face. B. He was in pain. C. He was shy around new people.
Answer: A
"You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I'll rise." According to the above excerpt Angelou views herself as A) humble B) conceited C) perseverant
What is Perseverant?
Text to Self/ Text to Text/ Text to World
What is Making Connections?
So that was what the whispering had been about all morning. She'd been wrong. They weren't out to get her after all. It was only Rachel. from The Fan Club text
What is Irony?
The two types of Characterization: 1. Author TELLS us about the character. 2. Author SHOWS us about the character.
What is indirect and direct characterization?
Jared was a DYNAMIC character because... A. He was ashamed of his face. B. Jared was proud of himself and was social. C. He was ashamed of his face, but he chose to introduce himself to Megan.
A method an author uses to help readers reveal characters and their identities.
What is Characterization?
A square was sitting quietly Outside his rectangular shack When a triangle cam down--keerplunk!-- "I must go to the hospital," Cried the wounded square, So a passing rolling circle picked him up and took him there.
What is Visualizing?
The author uses something funny to explain a serious theme.
What is Humor?
Example: "He but couldn't help but feel excited when the teacher gave the directions for the writing assignment."
What is an example of indirect characterization?
The best example of summarization is... A. Laura was afraid of the popular students and did not want to bullied. B. Laura bullied Rachel. C. Laura was a smart student, but constantly worried about being a target of bullying from the popular students. What is this an example of?
Answer: C
She was a poet, author, actress, writer, and dancer. She is an African-American female who spoke against inequality.
Who is Maya Angelou? Example of direct characterization?
Reading faces, reading body language, reading expressions, reading tone and reading text
What is Making Inferences?
I am the dream and the hope of the slave. I rise What is theme of "Still I Rise"? A. No one can determine who you are B. Obstacles should never break you C. Racism, oppression, and segregation does not define you, be proud of yourself.
What is C?
Example: "She was both patient and kind when she talked to the kids."
What is example of direct characterization?
Making a connection between Martina and the Dateline video is an example of...
What is text to text?
External Conflict in Frederick Douglass's Narrative, his fight with Mr. Covey showed he was... A. Determined B. Fed up C. Smart
Answer: A
*What does this remind me of in my life? *What is this similar to in my life? *How does this relate to in my life?
What is Text to Self (making connections)?
This battle with Mr. Covey was the turning-point in my career as a slave. It rekindled the few expiring embers of freedom, and revived within me sense of my own manhood. It recalled the departed self-confidence, and inspired me again with a determination to be free. The gratification afforded by the triumph was a full compensation for whatever else might follow, even death itself. A. magic roots help protect you B. Perseverance and determination over your trials will lead to freedom. C. Right should triumph over wrong
What is C. Right should triumph over wrong
A character who undergoes a change in the story is an... example- Jared
What is a dynamic Character?
"You may write me down in history with your bitter, listed lies, you may trod me in the very dirt but still, like dust, I'll rise." Based on this quote, we can make an inference about her identity through her tone. A. She is proud of herself. B. She is not afraid to speak up against racism, segregation, and oppression. C. She is ashamed to be black and feels like she is in a storm.
Answer: B
Over the summer, different stories were read to help identify who the characters were and how they handled different situations. The common theme to establish identity was... A. Be yourself B. Stand up against discrimination C. Argue your point
Answer: B
I begin in the morning... Tomorrow is always another... ... at sunrise ... and last until sunset, "yester" is always the one before, "to" is the one right now, There are 365 of me in each year, Night is my opposite, I hope you've had a nice.... I'M DAY
What is Making Inferences?