Colonial America
The American Revolution
Washington, Adams, and Jefferson
Westward Expansion
Vocab, terms, and people

This crop became vital to Jamestown's economy and ensured its survival.

What is Tobacco?


These battles marked the beginning of the American Revolution.

What are the Battles of Lexington and Concord?


He was the first President of the United States.

Who is George Washington?


The primary aim of this doctrine was to prevent European colonization in the Americas.

What is the Monroe Doctrine?


One of the founding members of the Sons of Liberty, cousin to future president Adams, now has an adult beverage company named after him.

Who is Samual Adams?


This group founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony in search of religious freedom.

Who are the Puritans?


The main purpose of this document was to explain the reasons for American independence.

What is the Declaration of Independence?


This purchase doubled the size of the United States in 1803.

What is the Louisiana Purchase?


One major outcome of this war was that the US confirmed its independence and national identity.

What is the War of 1812?


The unofficial British policy where parliamentary rules and laws were loosely or not enforced on the American colonies and trade.

What is Salutary Neglect?


The purpose of this document was to establish a government for the Plymouth Colony.

What is the Mayflower Compact?


This country was a crucial ally to the American colonies during the Revolution.

What is France?


The purpose of this expedition was to explore the new territories acquired in the Louisiana Purchase.

What is the Lewis and Clark Expedition?


He was responsible for purchasing the Louisiana Territory from France.

Who is Thomas Jefferson?

An action taken, often by a person in power, that later serves as an example to lead by. 

What is a Precedent?


He founded Pennsylvania as a haven for Quakers.

Who is William Penn?


He was the commander of the Continental Army.

Who is George Washington?


This political party was founded by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.

What is the Democratic-Republican Party?


This act gave western settlers the opportunity to claim 160 acres of government land, if they could pay the $10 filing fee and live on and improve the land.

What was the Homestead Act?


The first document to establish a government in the United States, often criticized for establishing a weak government with no executive or judicial branches. 

What is The Articles of Confederation?


This tribe helped the Jamestown settlers survive their first winter Virginia.

Who was the Powhatan?


This battle is considered the turning point of the American Revolution.

What is the Battle of Saratoga?


This event tested the authority of the new federal government during Washington's presidency.

What is the Whiskey Rebellion?


This act signed by Jackson in 1830 allowed the government to forcibly remove native Cherokees from their land and relocate them to the west. 

What is the Indian Removal Act?


An early political party which favored the ratification of the Constitution and the establishment of a strong national government. 

What is a Federalist?