The Civil Rights Movement/ Modern America
World War I & the "Roaring" 1920s:
Great Depression &. New Deal Era:
* World War II: At Home & Abroad:
*The Cold War Era: 1950s & 1960s:

  (1954) Supreme Court decision that reversed P/essy v. Ferguson and outlawed
racial segregation in public schools.

  Brown v. Board of Education


Causes of U.S. joining WW1

Unrestricted German submarine warfare

Zimmerman note


 name given to the programs of President Franklin Roosevelt to help people deal with the effects of the
Great Depression.

New Deal


Propaganda poster that symbolized the many women who worked in defense industries during World War II.

"Rosie the Riveter"


  American foreign policy after World War II of resisting further expansion of communism around the



1964 Legislation that prohibited and outlawed racial discrimination in all public facilities.

 Civil Rights Act of 1964


Treaty that ended World War I and created the League of Nations; blamed the war on Germany.

Treaty of Versailles


 name for the Great Plains during the Depression because of large dust storms of dry top soil caused by
drought and poor farming methods.

Dust Bowl


 1941- authorized the president to provide aid to any nation whose defense he believed vital to
American security; allowed U.S. to send weapons to Britain during the early years of World War II without formally being
involved in the war.

Lend-Lease Act:


  (1947) declaration stated that the U.S. would militarily support nations being threatened by
communism; initially created to stem the tide of communism in Greece and Turkey.

 Truman Doctrine


 name of President Lyndon Johnson's domestic program to aid public education, provide medical
care for the elderly, and eliminate discrimination; included the "War on Poverty".

 Great Society


  (1919) Supreme Court case that established limits on free speech during wartime; also established the "clear and present danger" test.

Schenck v. United States.


 makeshift homeless shelters during the early years of the Great Depression.



 presidential order that called for the internment of Japanese-Americans who were
considered threats to national security during World War II.

Executive Order #9066


 provided economic aid to Western European countries to help them rebuild after World War II.

Marshall Plan


 scandal involving illegal activities that ultimately led to resignation of President Nixon.

Watergate Scandal


 international organization formed after World War I that aimed to promote security and peace
for all members and prevent foreign conflicts.

 League of Nations


  New Deal program that gave the unemployed work in building
construction and arts programs.

Works Progress Administration (WPA)


 international organization formed after World War II to promote peace and prevent human rights

  United Nations


  the "witch hunt" for suspected communists in the federal government during the Red Scare of the
1950s named after Senator Joseph McCarthy.



 law enacted after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks which gave law enforcement agencies'
more power to search telephone, e-mail, medical, financial, and other records and eased restrictions on intelligence gathering

USA Patriot Act


  (1925) court case that focused on the issue of teaching evolution in public schools and
represented the conflict between science and religion.

Scopes "Monkey" Trial:  


  group of World War I veterans who protested in Washington, D.C., to receive their pensions early
because of the Great Depression.

Bonus Army


  name of the secret program during World War II to develop the atomic bomb.

  Manhattan Project


 1962 crisis between the u.s. and Soviet Union over Soviet attempts to deploy nuclear
missiles in Cuba 90 miles off the coast of Florida.

  Cuban Missile Crisis