Scientific Method
Testable Questions and Hypothesis
Around the Classroom
In what step of the lab report should you go through the steps of your experiment using a lot of detail?
What is the procedure?
What are the two sentence structures that we use for testable questions?
What is "How does ___ affect ___?" and "Does ___ affect ___?"
Briefly define the independent and dependent variables.
The dependent variable is what the scientist measures, the independent variable is what the scientist changes
Why did we, as scientists, choose to end the Cool as A Cucumber lab?
What is safety (mold) and time?
What were the ingredients used in the ice cream lab?
What are milk, vanilla, and sugar?
Name the 6 parts of the lab report?
Experimental Questions Hypothesis Materials List Procedure Data Collection Analysis and Conclusion
The following sentence is an example of... "If the gender of a scholar is male, then he will be less flexible then a female"
What is a hypothesis
Your experiment is testing the relationship between scholar hair color and how many jumping jacks they can do in a minute. What is the independent and dependent variable about why?
Hair color is the independent because I'm changing that, and number of jumping jacks is what I'm measuring so it's the dependent variable.
How does salt affect the temperature of ice?
The salt lowers the salt's freezing point. So the temperature drops, but the ice shows more melting
What creature did we see at the pond that is native to the southern United States?
What is the alligator?
Name 3 parts that should be in your conclusion?
What is.... restate the question and answer it restate your hypothesis and if it was right or not describe what you would do differently next time discuss any errors that occurred
The following is your next lab's experimental question... "How does fertilizer affect how tall a sunflower will grow?" Write a hypothesis
If fertilizer is used, then a sunflower will grow higher then a plant without fertilizer
You have a set of data from an experiment where you measured how quickly ice melted over a period of 5 days with different additives. (I.E., you had one pot with alt, another with sugar, and another with cinnamon and you wanted to see which melted the fastest). What type of graph would you use to display your data?
What is a line graph?
What was the control in the flexibility lab? How was this control different then the control in Mr. Krabs' experiment?
In the flexibility lab our control was a person. In Mr. Krab's experiment it was a placebo used in place of the actual breath mint.
Name 3 songs that Ms. S and Ms. Thayer have played for you this summer
What are... Ice, Ice, Baby Happy Let It Go/Do you want to build a snowman? Everything is awesome
What two things must be included in your data collection section?
What is a data table and a graph?
Besides the sentence frame that we use, what else does a testable question have to include?
What is a way to measure the results?
I asked every student in the class if they liked cheese, pepperoni, or veggie pizza the best. Which TWO graphs would be appropriate to use to display this data?
What is a bar graph and a pie chart
What did the Penny Lab teach us about observations and inferences?
What is the difference between observations and inferences? Observations are things that we observe with our senses. Inferences are conclusions based on observations, and they go beyond what we can directly sense.
What are the FOUR parts of active reading?
What are 1)underlining important parts 2) boxing and defining unknown vocab words 3) commenting and asking questions in the margin 4) writing a summary
Which of the following sentences should NOT be in a lab report? 1)If the surface area changes, then the parachute may fall more quickly. 2) My hypothesis was right because I looked at the data table. 3) Paper towels were invented by Arthur Scott around 1900.
What is 2 because you do not use "look at the data table" as evidence.
How many of the following sentences are examples of correct testable questions?
How does playing music affect plant growth? In the winter months, students get sick more often. How does gender affect how well a scholar can run?
I have collected the following data from an experiment Create a SKETCH of the graph that you make for the lab report . A correct answer will have the axis, labels, and an approximate line representing the data. Years Value of Car 2010 $15,000 2011 $14,000 2012 $12,000 2013 $10,500 2014 $10,000
looking for year on the X-axis, value of car on the y-axis, labels, and negative slope!
Ms. Thayer is going to the grocery store to buy paper towels. She could buy a roll of Bounty paper towels for $2, which has 40 sheets per roll. Or, she could buy a roll of Viva paper towels which also costs $2, but has 60 sheets per roll. Which paper towel brand would you suggest that she buy, and why?
What is Viva, because the absorbency results were pretty similar, and for the same amount of money, Viva is giving you 30% more paper towels.
Where did Ms. S and Ms. Thayer go to college?
What is Boston University and Wellesley College?