How To Make Friends
How To Accept Feedback
How To Feel
How To Cope With Change
How To Deal With Bullying

What is a friend?

What is respect?

Somebody who likes me for who I am.

When you accept someone's different opinion.


What is feedback?

When somebody shares their opinion.


What are feelings?

Things in your head that you share to ask for help.


Give me an example of change.

Does change always happen in life? If so, how often?

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What is a bully?

Someone who does not respect you or your feelings. 


Do friends have to like the same things?

What would you do if (role play) 

No, as long as they don't make fun of you for things you enjoy.

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What do we do when given feedback?

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Is it okay to be angry, sad, or scared?

Yes because feelings are not good or bad, they just give us Ideas. 


Can more than one thing change at the same time? Is it always like this?

When change happens, does it always affect everything?

Yes, but not always. 

No. We can accept change by focusing on things that stay the same. 


What does a bully do?

What do bullies want from us?

Uses their feelings to hurt others. Sometimes they can also hurt you physically.

Attention from you or their bully friends, access to our stuff, or to avoid the consequences of their actions. 


What is a Real Friend?

What do friends do for us, and what can we do for them?

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What happens to your friend when you ignore their feedback?

Can we give feedback to anyone?

Their feelings get hurt.

Yes. It's how we share our feelings. 


What are Good Ideas?

When we share our feelings in a positive way.


Is change scary?

Will behaving inappropriately/having "Bad Ideas" stop change?



What does a bully look like?

Hard to tell. Some bullies look just like friends.


What is a Fake Friend?

Is a Fake Friend the same as a Bully?

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How do we accept feedback?

How would you react if someone dismisses your feedback (role play)

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What are Bad Ideas?

When we share our feelings in a way that hurts myself or others.


How can we keep in touch with friends and family that move away?

What if we don't have a way to contact them?

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Hold on to memories. 


How can we tell if a "friend" is really a "bully?"

A bully shares a Bad Idea and doesn't say "sorry." 


What is the Golden Rule?

Should I give Friends another chance?

Treat others the way you want to be treated. 

Yes, but only after they say, "sorry."  If they keep having to say, "sorry" it's okay to take a break from that friendship. 


Once we accept feedback, what should we do?

Give 3 appropriate examples of how to accept feedback and/or put it into practice. 

Try your best to put it into practice. 

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How can we share our feelings?

With our words and/or with our faces.


What is the biggest change you've accepted recently?

What is something new that you like?

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What can we do to protect ourselves from bullies?

1. If they want my stuff, go tell an adult you trust. 

2. If they want my attention or to make their bully friends laugh, just ignore them. 

3. If they are trying to escape consequences (i.e. tell you not to tell anyone what they did) go to an adult you trust and tell them the truth.