History & Activism
Advocacy & Racial Justice
LGBTQ+ Topics & Intersectionality

From the virtual session with Alexandra, how does gun violence and mental health work hand-in-hand?

Mental stability places a role in attacks of violence that involve guns


What can a school do to include culturally inclusive learning?

  1. Arts

  2. Improving the diversity of accurate history

  3. Offering spaces for students from different cultural backgrounds to connect


What is the job of the Polanco Law firm?

  1. It is a North Carolina Law Firm that is committed to “protecting the rights of families & individuals in Immigration, Criminal Defense & Family Law Matters”

  2. They handle immigration cases

  3. They handle criminal & family law cases


This movement, initiated by young activists, gained prominence in 2020 to protest police brutality and advocate for racial justice.

What is the Black Lives Matter movement? 


The socially constructed concepts of masculinity and femininity. 

What is Gender? 


What is one way youth can get involved in the conversations to advocate about social justice topics?

  1. “Talk circles” / Focus groups

  2. Advisory Committees

  3. Talk with school leadership (principle, school board, superintendent, etc.)

  4. Connect with Community Member


What was an example DeLeon mentioned to explain how school curriculum imposes oppression on particular people based on their race/identity?

  1. Referring to slaves as “workers from Africa”

  2. Imposing heavier punishments on people of color


How have immigration policies changed over time?

Immigration policies transitioned from being fairly inclusive to adopting a more restrictive system


Explain the concept of "white privilege" and how it relates to discussions on racial justice. 

Possible answer: White privilege refers to the societal advantages that benefit white people over non-white people, often unconsciously, due to historical and structural racism. It highlights systemic inequalities and the need for equity.


The first Black woman to practice law and become an ordained priest. Their goal was to advocate for human rights and dignity for all. 

Who is Pauli Murray? 


List one of the purposes that Alexandra mentioned for Community Advisory Board:

  1. Facilitate shared leadership and partnerships between researchers and the community

  2. Provide places for community members to voice concerns and priorities

  3. Ensure research processes are respectful of and acceptable to the broader community 


How can school culture impact the students that attend it?

A school’s culture can impact the student’s sense of belonging and overall experience 


What are the responsibilities of Durham People’s Alliance?

  1. Advocating for policies

  2. Electing and endorsing progressive leaders to office

  3. Works with other grassroots organization

  4. Interview candidates

  5. Election campaigns


What are some ways young people can effectively advocate for racial justice in their communities?

Organizing protests, lobbying for policy changes, educating peers, promoting diversity and inclusion in schools, and supporting initiatives that address systemic racism.


Understanding how multiple systems of oppression and social identities interact to create unique experiences and outcomes. 

What is Intersectionality? 


What is something Alexandra mentioned she advocated for while on the DPS School Board?

  1. Language Accessibility 

  2. Create visuals and safe spaces for conversations about gun violence 

  3. Equal Accessibility among people of color

  4. Advocate for funding for ESL resources 


Define “cultural blindspots” and why it is important to be mindful of them?

Cultural blindspots is being uninformed/misinformed about a culture which can lead to ignorance


What are some of the reasons for seeking Asylum?

  1. War and conflict

  2. Violence based on gender identity or sexual orientation, etc.

  3. Environmental related reasons


How does systemic racism differ from individual acts of racism?

Systemic racism refers to the policies and practices entrenched in institutions that perpetuate racial inequality, whereas individual acts of racism are personal expressions of racial prejudice or discrimination.


What is one way you can be be an ally to communities you do not identify with? 

Amplify voices, raise awareness, educate yourself and your community, understand your privilege, listen, etc.