That's So Extra/Random
What Does It Do!/Definitions
Notable Happenings
What's In A Name? Shared Leadership

What is a prescription?

A doctor's order for a treatment plan


What is the most important factor in preventing the spread of microorganisms? 

Hand hygiene


True or False:

A scrape on the hand does not need a Notable Happening

False. Any injury, however minor should always be documented with a Notable Happening


Whose responsibility is it to find my coverage?

It is your responsibility.


When a member arrives with medication (this includes *PRNs, non-prescription and natural medicines; vitamins, eye drops, Tylenol, etc.), THIS team member is responsible to ensure a medication form must be filled out, even if the member is considered their own legal guardian.



Name 3 clean techniques involved with medication administration?

Hand hygiene, use of non-sterile surgical gloves, use of other barrier methods such as masks, housekeeping techniques, safe waste disposal methods, maintain clean equipment and avoid contamination, follow standard precautions


What is Anaphylaxis? And name two common causes of it.

Severe life-threatening reaction. Bee stings, peanuts, shellfish.


Should a really good and kind social interaction between members be followed up with a Notable Happening?

Yes! Notables are not just about injuries or aggressions. A positive interaction is always worth noting as this may be the result of years of effort, or, be the beginning of a lifelong friendship 


If a member has not shown up for an activity, how long after drop off time should I wait before calling the family?

Typically 10 - 15 minutes


I am responsible to check-in with and introduce team/group to a Community Partner at activities

Who Is CLAP or Community Liaison and Activity Prep


What are 3 commons causes of medications errors?

1) Transcribing error

2) Misinterpret doctor's order or abbreviation

3) Wrong technique or formulation

4) label error

5) Documentation not in place

6) 3-Checks and 7-Rights


What is the difference between a side effect and an adverse reaction is

Side effects are predictable, often unpleasant drug effects while adverse reactions are unexpected and undesirable.


Do all sections of a Notable Happening need to be filed out?

Yes! Though they may not pertain to what happened it is important to provide information that makes that clear. If a fall causes a chair to break this is important to note.


Name Four Shared Leadership Roles

Point Person


Community Liaison and Activity Prep

Medication and Personal Safety

Social Experience Guide 


I take the lead on:

Educating Public. I act as an AAFS representative and talk/explain situations to members of the public and/or community partners when necessary



The ________ Penguin is the only penguin specie that ventures north of the equator in the wild.



What is difference between a MAR and a MARS Bar?

A MAR is a medication administration record while a MARS Bar is a scrumptious chocolate bar.


How long after something has happened do I have to fill out a notable Happening?

A Notable must be completed within 24-hours of the “activity”happening


What happens when I take a Post-Shift Cut?

Taking a POST shift indicates that you have shown up at the location of the activity, likely participated in brief, potentially even member drop-offs before you, and your fellow staff, make the decision for a staff cut.


One of my responsibilities is to:

Make sure photo release forms

are readily available at drop-off for

trips/activities, and, ensure photos are being taken.



Upon completing the Medication Administration Course the support worker can administer what medications? (5)

EpiPen, transdermal patch, metered dose inhaler, ear drops.


Name at least 5 of the 7 rights.

1) Right Person (or Client)

2) Right Drug

3) Right Dose

4) Right Route

5) Right Schedule

6) Right Reason

7) Right Documentation


What is a Notable Happening and who is required to complete one?

  • A Notable is any event that affects member or employee safety. These may include injuries, parent complaints, community partner grievances, medication errors, equipment failure, adverse reactions to drugs or errors in member care must be captured and reported.  Notables bring problems to light in a non-blaming way and can provide a catalyst for changing the practice or procedure that contributed to the error.

Who has the final say for cuts made on shifts?

This is for the SEG team working the activity to decide as a group, as they are the ones who are working and need to be comfortable with ratios. If a staff team or team member are consistently seen as over or understaffing programs, there may be an inquiry.


I am to be primary contact for parents, guardians, emergency contacts, and ACCESS Calgary as well as facilitating a pre-activity meeting